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Helper module for working with Erlang terms representing JSON
- ej helps you work with Erlang terms representing JSON
The ej module makes it easier to work with Erlang terms representing [[http://json.org][JSON]] in the format returned by [[https://github.com/davisp/jiffy][jiffy]], [[https://github.com/mochi/mochiweb][mochijson2]], or [[https://github.com/benoitc/ejson][ejson]]. You can use =ej:get/2= to walk an object and return a particular value, =ej:set/3= to update a value within an object, or =ej:delete/2= to remove a value from an object.
In ej, paths into JSON objects are expressed using a tuple of keys like so:
| Javascript | ej | | =Obj.author.name.first= | =ej:get({"author", "name", "first"}, Obj)= |
To get started using ej, see [[ej by example]] below.
ej also provides a means of validating a JSON object according to a specification you provide. This feature is useful if you need to process JSON request bodies. As a brief example, here's a specification for a JSON object describing a person and their favorite foods:
#+BEGIN_SRC erlang {[ {<<"name">>, {string_match, regex_for(name)}}, {{opt, <<"nick_name">>}, {string_match, regex_for(name)}}, {<<"foods">>, {array_map, string}} ]} #+END_SRC
ej is independent of the library used for JSON serialization and has no dependencies.
** ej by example
ej is best explained by example. Consider the following JSON data (borrowed from http://www.json.org/example.html):
#+BEGIN_SRC js {"menu": { "id": "file", "value": "File", "popup": { "menuitem": [ {"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"}, {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"}, {"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"} ] } }} #+END_SRC
=mochijson2:decode/1= translates the JSON into Erlang terms like this:
#+BEGIN_SRC erlang {struct, [{<<"menu">>, {struct, [{<<"id">>,<<"file">>}, {<<"value">>,<<"File">>}, {<<"popup">>, {struct, [{<<"menuitem">>, [{struct,[{<<"value">>,<<"New">>}, {<<"onclick">>,<<"CreateNewDoc()">>}]}, {struct,[{<<"value">>,<<"Open">>}, {<<"onclick">>,<<"OpenDoc()">>}]}, {struct,[{<<"value">>,<<"Close">>}, {<<"onclick">>,<<"CloseDoc()">>}]}]}]}}]}}]} #+END_SRC
And here's ej in action:
#+BEGIN_SRC txt % specify the path you want to access as a tuple of keys (you can use % strings or binaries) 4> ej:get({"menu", "value"}, Obj). <<"File">>
% you can access list elements by index
ej:get({"menu", "popup", "menuitem", 2, "onclick"}, Obj). <<"OpenDoc()">>
% The atoms 'first' and 'last' can be used for lists as well
ej:get({"menu", "popup", "menuitem", first, "value"}, Obj).
% you can filter a list of objects by specifying a property (key/value % pair) to match on: ej:get({"menu", "popup", "menuitem", {select, {"value", "New"}}}, Obj).
% set a value Obj2 = ej:set({"menu", "id"}, Obj, <<"abc123">>).
% add a value Obj3 = ej:set({"menu", "new_key"}, Obj, <<"something">>).
% add a value to a list NewItem = {struct,[{<<"value">>,<<"Save">>}, {<<"onclick">>,<<"SaveDoc()">>}]}. Obj4 = ej:set({"menu", "popup", "menuitem", new}, Obj, NewItem).
The idea for this helper module was inspired by [[http://groups.google.com/group/erlang-programming/browse_thread/thread/7af6f99e740df979/97c50c0df25502cd?lnk=gst&q=Javascript+parse+transform#97c50c0df25502cd][this thread on the Erlang Questions]] mailing list and, in particular, by the reply from Richard O'Keefe. Additional motivation from the very similar helper module =struct= included in the [[http://beebole.com/en/blog/erlang/tutorial-web-application-erlang/][sticky notes example application]] from the folks at BeeBole.
- Christopher Brown
- Christopher Maier
- John Keiser
- Sebastian Probst Eide
** Build status
#+ATTR_HTML: alt="Build status images" title="Build status on Travis-CI" [[https://travis-ci.org/seth/ej.png]]
** License
ej is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #+END_EXAMPLE