
Results 130 comments of seta-san

i think Eyetoy - Play is the best candidate for figuring out why eyetoy functionality isn't working because the game came with debug symbols

@Florin9doi curious?

> Any progress on this? Still waiting for a fix for Antigrav. I also don't see the eyetoy branch anywhere. The two active branches are master and develop. Eye toy...

> > The problem seems to be in pcsx2's ipu code around certain color spaces > > You have more information ? I made a patch that got eyetoy play...

I'll send it to you when I get home

Basically I sent the emulator from the ypbpr function to the rgb function

> where is the patch ? Again. This is the video of it "working"

i can't find the patch anymore. it's just a straight jump from 0015DE80 to 0015EB30 in Eyetoy Play NTSC. All i'm doing is moving the game from this function. ipu_decompressYCrCb__FPvPvP8sceImageP8sceImageP8sceImage...

there's something there. the plugin IS sending the data. I have no idea why the emulator isn't doing anything with it.

i also found an eyetoy game that currently works and has debug symbols. it's Boboboubo Boubobo: Shuumare! Taikan Boubobo!_Taikan_Boubobo