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Annotate DNA sequences for Gene Ontology terms

Results 9 HMMER2GO issues
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Hi, Several months ago we discussed a new conda install. Is that still in the works?

Hello Evan. Thank you for creating this software, it has been really helpful. I'm having an issue with the map2gaf command and I don't know why. The gaf file is...

It really, hard for me to install in my linux server, it ask for a lot of dependencies, help.

Currently, the output consists of TSV files with mappings of genes or transcripts to GO terms. It would be helpful to take a GFF3 file as input and add GO...


Hi, I do not have docker. Will hmmer2go be available as a conda download soon? This would really help improve adoption by a large number of researchers. M


Hello, Thank you for your tools, it is very useful. I would like to ask, how the tool defines the significance of hits? Is it possible to set custom e-value...

We should run similary- and model-based searches. Currently, only model-bases searches are used. The `run` command is easy to extend, this issue is a reminder to add this option.

Include BLAST2GO, Trinotate...others? Add suggestions here. Importantly, I need to select a common set of analyses to perform to be fair.


Hi, I am seeing following error after running `make test` command `PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/usr/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches;` `test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t` `t/00-load.t ........ 1/3 # Testing HMMER2GO 0.18.3, Perl...