mysql-replay-module copied to clipboard
A tcpcopy module for MySQL session replay
A TCPCopy module for MySQL Replay
mysql-replay-module is a TCPCopy module that can be used to replay MySQL sessions to support real testing of MySQL applications.
Please refer to TCPCopy for more details before reading the following.
Getting intercept installed on the assistant server
- git clone git://
- cd intercept
- ./configure --with-resp-payload
- make
- make install
Getting tcpcopy installed on the online server
- git clone git://
- cd tcpcopy
- git clone git://
- ./configure --set-protocol-module=mysql-replay-module
- make
- make install
Usage guide
1) On the target server which runs MySQL applications:
Set route commands to route response packets to the assistant server
For example:
Assume is the IP address of the assistant server and is the MySQL client IP address. We set the following route
command to route all responses to the to the assistant server.
route add -host gw
2) On the assistant server which runs intercept(root privilege or the CAP_NET_RAW capability is required):
./intercept -F <filter> -i <device,>
Note that the filter format is the same as the pcap filter.
For example:
./intercept -i eth0 -F 'tcp and src port 3306' -d
intercept will capture response packets of the TCP based application which
listens on port 3306 from device eth0
3) On the online source server (root privilege or the CAP_NET_RAW capability is required):
a) set user password pair in conf/plugin.conf in the installion directory
user user1@password1,user2@password2,...,userN@passwordN;
For example:
user root@123456;
b) start tcpcopy
./tcpcopy -x localServerPort-targetServerIP:targetServerPort -s <intercept server,>
For example(assume is the IP address of the target server):
./tcpcopy -x 3306- -s
tcpcopy would capture MySQL packets(assume MySQL listens on 3306 port) on current
server, do the necessary modifications and send these packets to the target port
'3306' on ''(the target MySQL), and connect for asking
intercept to pass response packets to it.
- Both MySQL instances on the target server and online server must have the same user accounts and their privileges although passwords could be different
- Only the complete sesssion could be replayed
- OpenSSL 1.1.0+ is currently unsupported.
- Currently, it does not support MySQL 8.0's caching_sha2_password yet. If you want to use MySQL 5.7 production flows to test MySQL 8.0, you should use mysql_native_password instead and assure that each user used in the test should also use the mysql_native_password plugin in user table.
Release History
- 2017.03 v1.0 mysql-replay-module released
Bugs and feature requests
Have a bug or a feature request? Please open a new issue. Before opening any issue, please search for existing issues.
Copyright and license
Copyright 2022 under the BSD license.