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A curated list of awesome open-source Catholic projects, libraries and software



A curated list of awesome Catholic projects, libraries and software.

En français | En español


  • APIs
  • Apps
  • Command Line
  • Data
  • Hardware
  • Mobile Apps
  • Web Apps
  • Related Awesome Lists


  • JavaScript sanctum-ipsum - The holiest lorem ipsum generator on the internet. Use online, or with API.
  • PHP geomesse-api - Get mass time in your country
  • PHP tamil-bible-database - Tamil Bible Database in MySQL with PHP API
  • Ruby church-calendar-api - RESTful API providing Roman Catholic church calendar data for your apps
  • PHP Liturgical Calendar - A PHP script that will generate the liturgical calendar for any given year, based on the General Roman Calendar, calculating the mobile festivities and the precedence of solemnities, feasts, and memorials.
  • AELF - A French API for the Liturgy of the Hours.


  • Swift Lectionary - A beautifully designed app to view daily readings in different languages. Can export JSON to create booklets for Nightfever Leuven.
  • C gregorio - Gregorio is a software application for engraving Gregorian Chant scores on a computer.

Command Line

  • Python lectionarium - A tool for studying Ecclesiastical Latin
  • Ruby calrom - Liturgical calendar (Ordinary Form)
  • Awk vul - Latin Vulgate Bible on the Command Line


  • HTML AquinasOperaOmnia - The full works of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Go romanus - The entire Roman Catechism of the Council of Trent
  • Go vulgata - The Holy Bible with both the Douay-Rheims English and Clementina Vulgata Latin texts
  • Python catechism-ccc-json - The Catechism of the Catholic Chruch in JSON.
  • JavaScript romcal - The Liturgical Calendar used by the Roman Rite (Western Church) for Node JS v6 and above.
  • PHP roman calendar - Roman Catholic Liturgical Calendar Generator
  • TEX graduale-romanum-1908 - 1908 Vatican Edition Graduale Romanum retypeset in Gregorio 4


  • C Catholic Lectionary on ESP8266 - The Roman Catholic Lectionary, Liturgical Calendar and Feast Days on ESP8266 with Waveshare 2.7" or 4.2" red/black display, generic SD card reader and DS3231 clock IC.



  • HTML - A Catholic Sunday hand missal web app for the Traditional Latin Mass
  • HTML divinum-officium - The traditional divine office.
  • HTML Catholic Daily Readings - Fetches Daily Mass Readings from EWTN API, Daily Catholic Prayers and Know your Faith; includes Catholic prayers.
  • Python missal-1962 - Python/Flask API, serving calendar and propers for a given day, and Bootstrap UI consuming and presenting the data.
  • Python theocrone - A calendar for the Tridentine rite. Demo at
  • PWA Easter dates - Distribution of Easter per Date Across Years, visualized.
  • PWA Confessit - A progressive web app designed to help Roman Catholics prepare for the sacrament of confession by examining their conscience.
  • PWA Ember Days - Display the Ember Days for a given year.


  • Awesome Bible - A curated list of awesome resources and websites about the Bible and topics related to it.
  • Awesome Theology - A curated list of open source software for Catholic theology.
  • Awesome Church Calendar - List of software related to liturgical calendar computations.