TIMEOUT [expected FAIL] subtest: changing srcdoc to about:srcdoc#yo then another srcdoc does two push navigations and we can navigate back Test timed out
OK [expected TIMEOUT] /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/about-srcdoc-navigation-blocked.window.html (#31025)
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/empty-iframe-load-event.html (#29066)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Check execution order on load handler
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Check execution order from nested timeout
OK [expected TIMEOUT] /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/javascript-url-referrer.window.html (#29081)
PASS [expected TIMEOUT] subtest: no-referrer referrer policy used to create the starting page
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/navigation-unload-cross-origin.sub.window.html (#29056)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Cross-origin navigation started from unload handler must be ignored
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/replace-before-load/a-click.html (#28697)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: aElement.click() before the load event must NOT replace
OK [expected TIMEOUT] /dom/events/webkit-transition-end-event.html (#26497)
FAIL [expected TIMEOUT] subtest: webkitTransitionEnd event listener should trigger for an animation assert_true: received webkitTransitionEnd event expected true got false
PASS [expected NOTRUN] subtest: webkitTransitionEnd event listener should not trigger if an unprefixed listener also exists
PASS [expected NOTRUN] subtest: webkitTransitionEnd event listener should not trigger if an unprefixed event handler also exists
FAIL [expected NOTRUN] subtest: event types for prefixed and unprefixed transitionend event listeners should be named appropriately assert_equals: expected (string) "webkitTransitionEnd" but got (undefined) undefined
PASS [expected NOTRUN] subtest: webkitTransitionEnd event listener is case sensitive
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/javascript-url-return-value-handling-dynamic.html (#28066)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: D83D DE0D set in href="" targeting a frame and clicked
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: DE0D 0041 set in href="" targeting a frame and clicked
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/navigate-to-unparseable-url.html (#29050)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: <a> tag navigate fails for unparseable URLs promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "Error: Navigation was attempted to unparseable URL"
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/navigation-unload-same-origin.window.html (#29049)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: Same-origin navigation started from unload handler must be ignored assert_equals: expected "?pass" but got "?fail"
OK /html/browsers/history/the-history-interface/traverse_the_history_2.html (#21383)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: Multiple history traversals, last would be aborted assert_array_equals: Pages opened during history navigation expected property 1 to be 3 but got 2 (expected array [6, 3] got [6, 2])
OK /html/semantics/forms/form-submission-0/text-plain.window.html (#28687)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: text/plain: 0x00 in value (formdata event) assert_equals: expected "a=b\0c\r\n" but got ""
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: text/plain: \n in value (normal form) assert_equals: expected "a=b\r\nc\r\n" but got ""
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: text/plain: \r\n in filename (formdata event) assert_equals: expected "a=b\r\nc\r\n" but got ""
TIMEOUT [expected FAIL] subtest: The entry settings object while executing the compiled callback via Web IDL's invoke must be that of the node document Test timed out
FAIL [expected TIMEOUT] subtest: sec-fetch-site - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-site destination, no attributes promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "Error: Failed to query for recorded headers."
TIMEOUT [expected NOTRUN] subtest: sec-fetch-site - Not sent to non-trustworthy cross-site destination, no attributes Test timed out
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/javascript-url-return-value-handling-dynamic.html (#28066)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: 0041 set in href="" targeting a frame and clicked assert_equals: expected "A" but got ""
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: 0080 00FF set in href="" targeting a frame and clicked assert_equals: expected "ÿ" but got ""
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: 0080 00FF 0100 set in href="" targeting a frame and clicked assert_equals: expected "ÿĀ" but got ""
OK /html/browsers/history/the-history-interface/traverse_the_history_4.html (#21383)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Multiple history traversals, last would be aborted
OK /html/browsers/history/the-history-interface/traverse_the_history_5.html (#21383)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Multiple history traversals, last would be aborted
OK /html/browsers/the-window-object/open-close/creating_browsing_context_test_01.html (#29046)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: first argument: absolute url
OK [expected TIMEOUT] /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/iframe_sandbox_popups_escaping-1.html (#22647)
FAIL [expected TIMEOUT] subtest: Check that popups from a sandboxed iframe escape the sandbox if
allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox is used assert_equals: It came from a sandboxed iframe expected "null" but got "http://web-platform.test:8000"
OK [expected TIMEOUT] /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/iframe_sandbox_popups_escaping-2.html (#22667)
FAIL [expected TIMEOUT] subtest: Check that popups from a sandboxed iframe escape the sandbox if
allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox is used assert_equals: It came from a sandboxed iframe expected "null" but got "http://web-platform.test:8000"
OK [expected TIMEOUT] /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/iframe_sandbox_popups_nonescaping-1.html (#24066)
FAIL [expected NOTRUN] subtest: Check that popups from a sandboxed iframe do not escape the sandbox assert_equals: It came from a sandboxed iframe expected "null" but got "http://web-platform.test:8000"
OK /css/css-fonts/variations/at-font-face-font-matching.html (#20684)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: Matching font-weight: '430' should prefer '450 460' over '500' assert_equals: Unexpected font on test element expected 487 but got 532
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: Matching font-weight: '399' should prefer '400' over '450 460' assert_equals: Unexpected font on test element expected 487 but got 532
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Matching font-style: 'italic' should prefer 'italic' over 'oblique 20deg'
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Matching font-style: 'italic' should prefer 'oblique 20deg' over 'oblique 30deg 60deg'
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Matching font-style: 'oblique 21deg' should prefer 'oblique 40deg 50deg' over 'oblique 20deg'
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: Matching font-style: 'oblique 10deg' should prefer 'oblique 10deg' over 'oblique 5deg' assert_equals: Unexpected font on test element expected 487 but got 532
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Matching font-style: 'oblique 10deg' should prefer 'italic' over 'oblique 0deg'
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Matching font-style: 'oblique -20deg' should prefer 'oblique -60deg -40deg' over 'oblique -10deg'
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: Matching font-style: 'oblique -21deg' should prefer 'oblique -21deg' over 'oblique -60deg -40deg' assert_equals: Unexpected font on test element expected 487 but got 532
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Matching font-style: 'oblique -21deg' should prefer 'italic' over 'oblique 0deg'
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/initial-empty-document/load-pageshow-events-iframe-contentWindow.html (#28681)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: load & pageshow events do not fire on contentWindow of <iframe> element created with src=''
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: load & pageshow events do not fire on contentWindow of <iframe> element created with src='about:blank'
FAIL [expected TIMEOUT] subtest: origin referrer policy used to create the starting page assert_equals: Sanity check: opened window's referrer is set correctly expected "http://web-platform.test:8000/" but got ""
TIMEOUT [expected NOTRUN] subtest: no-referrer referrer policy used to create the starting page Test timed out
OK /html/browsers/history/the-history-interface/traverse_the_history_3.html (#21383)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: Multiple history traversals, last would be aborted assert_array_equals: Pages opened during history navigation expected property 1 to be 3 but got 1 (expected array [6, 3] got [6, 1])
OK [expected TIMEOUT] /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/iframe_sandbox_popups_nonescaping-2.html (#22154)
FAIL [expected NOTRUN] subtest: Check that popups from a sandboxed iframe do not escape the sandbox assert_equals: It came from a sandboxed iframe expected "null" but got "http://web-platform.test:8000"
OK [expected TIMEOUT] /html/semantics/forms/form-submission-0/reparent-form-during-planned-navigation-task.html (#29724)
PASS [expected TIMEOUT] subtest: The entry settings object while executing the compiled callback via Web IDL's invoke must be that of the node document
FAIL [expected TIMEOUT] subtest: sec-fetch-site - Cross-site, no attributes promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "Error: Failed to query for recorded headers."
TIMEOUT [expected NOTRUN] subtest: sec-fetch-site - Same site, no attributes Test timed out
FAIL [expected TIMEOUT] subtest: sec-fetch-site - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-site destination, no attributes promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "Error: Failed to query for recorded headers."
FAIL [expected NOTRUN] subtest: sec-fetch-site - Not sent to non-trustworthy cross-site destination, no attributes promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "Error: Failed to query for recorded headers."
TIMEOUT [expected NOTRUN] subtest: sec-fetch-mode - Not sent to non-trustworthy same-origin destination, no attributes Test timed out
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/initial-empty-document/load-pageshow-events-window-open.html (#28691)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: load event does not fire on window.open('about:blank') assert_unreached: load should not be fired Reached unreachable code
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/javascript-url-return-value-handling-dynamic.html (#28066)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: 0041 set in href="" targeting a frame and clicked assert_equals: expected "A" but got ""
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: 0080 00FF set in href="" targeting a frame and clicked assert_equals: expected "ÿ" but got ""
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: 0080 00FF 0100 set in href="" targeting a frame and clicked assert_equals: expected "ÿĀ" but got ""
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: D83D DE0D set in href="" targeting a frame and clicked assert_equals: expected "😍" but got ""
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/replace-before-load/a-click.html (#28697)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: aElement.click() before the load event must NOT replace
OK /html/browsers/history/the-history-interface/traverse_the_history_4.html (#21383)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Multiple history traversals, last would be aborted
OK /html/browsers/the-window-object/open-close/creating_browsing_context_test_01.html (#29046)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: first argument: absolute url
TIMEOUT [expected FAIL] subtest: Autofocus elements in top-level browsing context's documents with "top" fragments should work. Test timed out
OK [expected TIMEOUT] /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/iframe_sandbox_popups_nonescaping-1.html (#24066)
FAIL [expected NOTRUN] subtest: Check that popups from a sandboxed iframe do not escape the sandbox assert_equals: It came from a sandboxed iframe expected "null" but got "http://web-platform.test:8000"
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/empty-iframe-load-event.html (#29066)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: Check execution order from nested timeout assert_equals: Expected nested setTimeout to run second expected true but got false
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: Check execution order on load handler assert_equals: Expected onload to run first expected false but got true
TIMEOUT [expected PASS] subtest: no-referrer referrer policy used to create the starting page Test timed out
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/navigation-unload-cross-origin.sub.window.html (#29056)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Cross-origin navigation started from unload handler must be ignored
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/navigation-unload-same-origin.window.html (#29049)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: Same-origin navigation started from unload handler must be ignored
OK [expected TIMEOUT] /html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/iframe_sandbox_popups_escaping-1.html (#22647)
FAIL [expected TIMEOUT] subtest: Check that popups from a sandboxed iframe escape the sandbox if
allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox is used assert_equals: It came from a sandboxed iframe expected "null" but got "http://web-platform.test:8000"
OK /css/cssom-view/MediaQueryList-addListener-removeListener.html (#24569)
PASS [expected FAIL] subtest: listeners are called correct number of times
OK /html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/replace-before-load/a-click.html (#28697)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: aElement.click() before the load event must NOT replace assert_equals: expected "http://web-platform.test:8000/common/blank.html?thereplacement" but got "http://web-platform.test:8000/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/replace-before-load/resources/code-injector.html?pipe=sub(none)&code=%0A%20%20%20%20const%20a%20%3D%20document.createElement(%22a%22)%3B%0A%20%20%20%20a.href%20%3D%20%22%2Fcommon%2Fblank.html%3Fthereplacement%22%3B%0A%20%20%20%20document.currentScript.before(a)%3B%0A%20%20%20%20a.click()%3B%0A%20%20"
OK /css/cssom-view/scroll-behavior-smooth-navigation.html (#29564)
FAIL [expected PASS] subtest: Smooth scrolling while doing history navigation. assert_not_equals: Shouldn't be scrolled to top anymore. got disallowed value 0