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Marketplace Account UI Improvement
Summary Improve the Marketplace account UI to load each view as complete page.
Details The the pages in account UI are organized to load as single pages with all content including aside menu, header, footer etc. Espescially with slow network connections and with highly loaded clients this results in annoying slow screen build up. When clicking an menu entry in the aside menu the respective view is loaded including all templates. This request is to refactor the UI in a way that the views are decoupled from the surrounding common page framework.
- The views shall be implementented as composites that are embedded into one single page.
- By clicking a menu entry in the aside menu, the content shall be loaded with AJAX request and rerendered into the embedding page.
- Concept hint: In order to reduce this impact of this refactoring, the different existing (sub-)pages shall be preserved. This can be achived by loding the pages with a4j:include and making the menu items to trigger AJAX Requests that only rerender the embedding container of the a4j:include. A state of the art replacement with bootsfaces JSF instead of a4j:include is very wellcome but not a must.
Acceptance criteria
- [ ] Concept or technical description in this GitLab issue is done an approved.
- [ ] Sub page contents is loading fast with AJAX.
- [ ] Only sub page content is rerenders. Header, footer and aside menues stay fix.
- [x] Contained tab views are not jumping on load.
Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.