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InstanceStatus.setTimer(true) cannot be reflected in executeServiceOperation
-----Original Message----- From: Shiino, Toshihiro/椎野 稔弘 Sent: Freitag, 16. Dezember 2016 09:16 [...] I used to inquire about what looked like a bug that InstanceStatus.setTimer(true) cannot be reflected in executeServiceOperation while implementing APPPlatformController. The answer received from EST indicated that regarding my source code, it should follow the source code of other adapters, without specifying whether it was a bug or whether my source code was essentially on right track. Finally, I confirmed APP source code and found out that it does not allow such reflection, but it was contradicting for me that the reply from EST did not mention it was a bug since InstanceStatussetTimer(true) is also called in executeServiceOperation within the standard controller for AWS etc. developed by EST and the original developer seemed to have the same expectation as me. [...]