env icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
env copied to clipboard

Containerise everything, including my dotfiles

env publish docker images

Just storing dotfiles in a repository isn't enough. This is almost all the tools I use, put into a Docker image that I can run anywhere




export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
curl -fLo ~/.local/bin/contain https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serverwentdown/env/master/.local/bin/contain
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/contain
contain -h

macOS, Fedora, Alpine, Ubuntu, Debian

Install yadm, and then clone.

# Install yadm (macOS)
brew install yadm
# Install yadm (dirty method)
sudo curl -fLo /usr/local/bin/yadm https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/raw/master/yadm
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yadm
# Clone
yadm clone [email protected]:serverwentdown/env.git


git clone [email protected]:ambrose/pass.git ~/.password-store