event-gateway icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
event-gateway copied to clipboard

OpenFaas integration

Open alexdebrie opened this issue 6 years ago • 4 comments

alexdebrie avatar Jun 05 '18 21:06 alexdebrie

Let is know how we can help @alexdebrie

alexellis avatar Jun 08 '18 03:06 alexellis

Thanks, @alexellis!

What's the best way to consume an OpenFaas function -- an HTTP endpoint, or is there something like the Invoke API call for AWS Lambda?

alexdebrie avatar Jun 09 '18 13:06 alexdebrie

Yes this is in our documentation and the Swagger definitions.

alexellis avatar Jun 09 '18 15:06 alexellis


alexellis avatar Jan 12 '19 19:01 alexellis