blog copied to clipboard – Posts from the Serverless community & core team. Contributions welcome!
I would like to be able to scroll through a bunch of blog post summaries on the blog home page and ⌘ + Click the titles to bring each up...
Specifying the allowed origin as `origin: '*'` does not work (results in an empty string being set for the allowed origins in API Gateway). It seems that they need to...
I remember you can customize this behaviour. Used to do it for phenomic docs
The [last page]( of the blog should not show the 'Next' link. Currently it just shows empty pages for 6,7,8 ..... pages.
Post is WIP. Contributions welcome! Eric Jonas creator of pywren talks about how they use Lambda for parallel processing data science jobs (one of the most interesting use cases IMO)...
The link to Github at the bottom of the "CLI Autocomplete" section in the most recent 1.15 blog post double-escapes the encoded characters and ends up going to the default...
Adding a note about `~true` parameter
Based on [this issue]( it seems like this has been deprecated which would have saved me a bit of a hassle when working through this post.