serverless-apigateway-service-proxy copied to clipboard
Is there any way to set Request Validator for the Method Request for Kinesis Integration?
Can't find the place to set
Request Validator
in Method Request
as above screenshoot.
Hi. Would it be possible if you could also advise on how i could do this with SQS as a service proxy ?
@pb321 @kunhuangau - I dug into and I got it working for my use case. I'm leveraging serverless-apigateway-service-proxy
for a SQS proxy.
First I have a pretty straight forward definition for the sqs service proxy:
- sqs:
path: /intake
method: post
queueName: { 'Fn::GetAtt': ['SQSQueue', 'QueueName'] }
cors: true
# `success` is used when the integration response is 200
success: |-
{ "message": "accepted" }
# `clientError` is used when the integration response is 400
clientError: |-
{ "message": "there is an error in your request" }
# `serverError` is used when the integration response is 500
serverError: |-
{ "message": "there was an error handling your request" }
Per the documentation I have the SQS resource defined:
Type: 'AWS::SQS::Queue'
Below are the additional resources for a AWS::ApiGateway::Model
, AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Model
ContentType: application/json
Description: "Intake Request Model"
RestApiId: { Ref: 'ApiGatewayRestApi' }
Schema: ${file(intake.schema.json)}
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator
Name: IntakeValidator
RestApiId: { Ref: 'ApiGatewayRestApi' }
ValidateRequestBody: true
ValidateRequestParameters: false
I then create the following resource to set the Model and RequestValidator. This updates the APIGateway Resource/Method that I defined above (POST /intake
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Method
application/json: { Ref: 'ApiGatewayRestMethodModel' }
RequestValidatorId: { Ref: 'ApiGatewayRequestValidator' }
After testing a successful request, which is valid against my defined model json schema I receive a successful response:
"message": "accepted"
After testing a malformed request body, I receive a 400 error with the message:
"message": "Invalid request body"
Validating both requests, for the correct request body I see the message get enqueued correctly and processed by a lambda on the other end. The invalid requests, the message isn't enqueued and the lambda isn't invoked
Success! 🎉 I hope this helps
Hi Mike. thank you so much for this solution, its very much appreciated !! i will try it out later and will get back to you on the outcome.
thanks for the answer @mikeluby . I am going to try this a well. I wish this was supported out of the box with something like
- sqs:
path: /intake
method: post
queueName: { 'Fn::GetAtt': ['SQSQueue', 'QueueName'] }
cors: true
application/json: ${file(schemas/intake.schema.json)}
# `success` is used when the integration response is 200
success: |-
{ "message": "accepted" }
# `clientError` is used when the integration response is 400
clientError: |-
{ "message": "there is an error in your request" }
# `serverError` is used when the integration response is 500
serverError: |-
{ "message": "there was an error handling your request" }
@mikeluby can you explain where and how did you define ApiGatewayRestApi
Also, when I try to deploy your code, it says, HttpMethod
, ResourceId
and RestApiId
properties are mandatory for ApiGatewayMethodIntakePost
. I got a reference to that as well.
Even after adding all properties and deploying on serverless, it throws error as below:
An error occurred: ApiGatewayMethodIntakePost - 1 validation error detected: Value null at 'putMethodInput.authorizationType' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must not be null (Service: AmazonApiGateway; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationException; Request ID: 102ce957-81d5-4101-8f3e-b2a2007b3eab; Proxy: null)
Hope so you got a solution for validating the body for SQS proxy through serverless-apigateway-service-proxy
For information, I am trying to make a secure proxy to SQS FIFO Queue which also validates the body and sends a customized response.