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Is this deprecated?

Open joshstrange opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

The link to (Wayback Machine) now redirects to the main framework page and there is zero mention of components on the website (aside from blog posts from 2+ years ago). That coupled with ignored PRs, open issues about basic things like support for larger memory lambdas, and the nodejs version still being pinned to 12 makes me assume this is no longer supported.

It would be nice to have an official deprecation instead of leaving up these repos for someone to stumble over and think they will work. Even the basic setup commands don't work:

> serverless init express-starter
Environment: darwin, node 12.22.7, framework 3.7.1, plugin 6.1.5, SDK 4.3.2

Serverless command "init express-starter" not found. Run "serverless help" for a list of all available commands.

joshstrange avatar Apr 06 '22 15:04 joshstrange

I've asked this many times in this repository and I even emailed Serverless about it...and got zero replies.

robertgoacher avatar Apr 09 '22 13:04 robertgoacher

I would also love to know if this is deprecated... I guess the lack of response and activity in the repos indicates it is.

I believe the serverless components CLI is packaged separately to the regular CLI now.

You can run npm install -g @serverless/components to install the now separate serverless components CLI. Then you need to use components login and components deploy instead of what was previously serverless deploy etc. Strange that none of the documentation seems to have been updated.

Perhaps components init express-starter would work, although it seems like a bad idea to start a new app with serverless components at this point.

vinnyt123 avatar May 02 '22 04:05 vinnyt123

@eahefnawy Could we get a definitive answer please?

robertgoacher avatar May 07 '22 10:05 robertgoacher

Is the lambda runtime even configurable with this component? I do feel like it's deprecated.

I think I'm going to start extracting my configs from components back into the original framework. Then I can, ya know, configure things like lambda runtime that this component is abstracting/trying to hide to simplify things.

dhesson avatar Aug 14 '22 17:08 dhesson