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(*DEPRECATED*: The API no longer exists, so this will no longer work) A Javascript API Client wrapper for Vainglory

Depreciation Notice

This package and repository is no longer maintained as the official API no longer exist.


Build Status npm

This is a Javascript API client wrapper for Vainglory. If you run into problems or find bugs, file an issue.


$ yarn add vainglory
# or npm install vainglory

To initalize the library

import Vainglory from 'vainglory';
const vainglory = new Vainglory('api-key');


Base options can be modified by passing an object during initalization.


  • host [String] - HTTP Url to call
  • title [String] - X-TITLE-ID modifier
  • region [String] - Region of which game data to request (na, eu, sa, ea, sg) Reference
import Vainglory from 'vainglory';

// Defaults
const options = {
  host: '',
  region: 'na',
  title: 'semc-vainglory',

const vainglory = new Vainglory('api-key', options);



All methods are named references from the Official API Reference. All methods will return a promise.

  • Errors
  • RateLimits
  • Telemetry
  • status
  • region
  • setRegion
  • models


  • collection
  • single


  • getById
  • getByName


  • region


You can check on the property .errors to determine if a response has errored and the subsequent message that follows. .debug will provide request and header information.


{ errors: true,
  messages: 'The specified object could not be found.',
  region: 'na',
   { url: '[offset]=0&page[limit]=50&sort=createdAt&filter[createdAt-start]=2017-03-02T00:28:32.721Z&filter[createdAt-end]=2017-03-02T03:28:32.721Z&filter[playerNames]=&filter[teamNames]=',
     status: '',
      { 'Content-Encoding': 'gzip',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'User-Agent': 'js/vainglory',
        Accept: 'application/vnd.api+json',
        Authorization: 'Bearer aaa.bbb.ccc',
        'X-TITLE-ID': 'semc-vainglory' 
    { limit: '10',
      remaining: '9',
      reset: '6000000000',
      requestId: 'some-arbitrary-id' } 

Rate Limits

Rate limit information is attached to every request. All models will return .rateLimit, see the Reference for more information or if you need to increase your rate limit.

    { limit: '10',
      remaining: '9',
      reset: '6000000000',
      requestId: 'some-arbitrary-id' } 


Telemetry data can be retrieved from the match model under assets. Assets is an array of asset.


const matchId = 'f5373c40-0aa9-11e7-bcff-0667892d829e';
vainglory.matches.single(matchId).then((match) => {
  console.log(match.assets) // array of asset
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));


If you would like to resolve telemetry data, you can call .resolve() directly on the asset. Note that this currently returns the raw data that is associated with .URL.

const matchId = 'f5373c40-0aa9-11e7-bcff-0667892d829e';
vainglory.matches.single(matchId).then(async (match) => {
  const telemetry = await match.assets[0].resolve();
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));



Returns API meta information.

vainglory.status().then((info) => console.log(info));

Example Response

  id: 'gamelocker', // From server
  releasedAt: '2017-02-24T20:44:05Z', // From server
  version: 'gamelockerd-v4.0.2', // From server
  clientVersion: '0.8.1' // From VaingloryJS



Changes the region for the current request.

vainglory.region('sg').matches... // will return data from `sg` region
vainglory.matches... // data from the region that was initialized (defaults to na)
vainglory.players... // data from the region that was initialized (defaults to na)



Sets the region for the instance.

vainglory.setRegion('sg'); // Overwrites parent 
vainglory.matches... // will return data from `sg` region
vainglory.players... // will return data from `sg` region



Exposed data models. See mock data in tests to see how data should be referenced.

const match = new vainglory.models.match({data: ...match});
const matches = new vainglory.models.matches({data: ...matches});
const player = new vainglory.models.player({data: ...player});
const participant = new vainglory.models.participant({data: ...participant});
const roster = new vainglory.models.roster({data: ...roster});




Retrieves all matches. Reference


  • options [Object] - Query paramaters
const now = new Date();
const minus28days = new Date();

minus28Days.setDate(now.getDate() - 28);

/* defaults */
const options = {
  page: {
    offset: 0,
    limit: 50,
  sort: 'createdAt', // -createdAt for reverse
  filter: {
    'createdAt-start': minus28days.toISOString(), // ISO Date
    'createdAt-end': now.toISOString(), // ISO Date
    playerNames: [],
    teamNames: [],


  • Matches


vainglory.matches.collection(options).then((matches) => {
  if (matches.errors) {
    return console.log(matches);
}).catch((errors) => {


Retreives a single match by ID. Reference


  • matchId [String] - The ID of match to retrieve


  • Match


const matchId = '0123b560-d74c-11e6-b845-0671096b3e30';

vainglory.matches.single(matchId).then((match) => {
  if (match.errors) return;
}).catch((errors) => {




Retreives a single player by playerId. Reference


  • playerId [String] - The ID of player to retrieve


  • Player


const playerId = '6abb30de-7cb8-11e4-8bd3-06eb725f8a76';

vainglory.players.getById(playerId).then((player) => {
  if (player.errors) return;
}).catch((errors) => {


Retreives players by playerName. Reference


  • playerNames [Array] - The name of players to retrieve. Max length of 6.


  • Players


const playerNames = ['famous'];

vainglory.players.getByName(playerNames).then((players) => {
  if (players.errors || players.player) return;
  players.player.forEach(player => {
}).catch((errors) => {




Tournament data is stored in seperate shards as they take place on a private client. After you call region, you can bind the same methods you would use to call matches or player data. Reference


  • region [String] - Optional - Region of which tournament data to request (na, eu, sa, ea, sg). Note if this is blank, it will request whichever region data that was specified from setRegion or region Reference


  • Match
  • Player


// Referencing Mathces
vainglory.tournament.region('na').matches.collection().then((matches) => {
}).catch((err) => console.log(err));

// Or referencing Players
const playerNames = ['SOMEONE','SOMEONE_ELSE'];

vainglory.tournament.region('na').players.getByName(playerNames).then((players) => {
}).catch((err) => console.log(err));


All results are wrapped with its respective data model.

  • .type - Returns the type of data requested
  • .id - Returns associated ID
  • .raw - Returns raw data from server

Remapped items vs server names

For fields in participant such as actor or itemGrants, server will return *1000_Item_HalcyonPotion*. The client will return Halcyon Potion automatically based on field mappings. If you would like the original response, instead of calling .stats directly, use ._stats or ._actor instead of .actor.


  • .match - Array of Match



  • .assets - Array of Asset
  • .createdAt - a string, the match timestamp, suitable for passing to JavaScript Date constructor. Note that this is the time when the match was initiated, which is the start of the hero pick phase. To find when the first spawns on the map were, see the timestamps on individual events in the telemetry data.
  • .duration - an integer, match duration in seconds
  • .gameMode - a string, such as "Casual 5v5" (see full list here)
  • .patchVersion - a string, which Vainglory update the match was played on, such as "3.1"
  • .shardId - a string, the region from which the match was fetched, in lower case, such as "na"
  • .stats - an object with these attributes:
    • endGameReason - a string, such as "victory" or "surrender"
    • queue - a string, such as "5v5_pvp_ranked"
  • .titleId - always the string "semc-vainglory"
  • .rosters - Array of Roster



  • .URL - a string, the URL of where to download the asset
  • .contentType - this field is not always present
  • .createdAt - match timestamp as a string, suitable for passing to JavaScript Date constructor
  • .description - this field is not always present, and is sometimes the empty string
  • .filename - meaning uncertain
  • .name - a string, such as "telemetry"
  • .resolve() - Returns promise; resolves .URL data



  • .stats - an object with these attributes:
    • acesEarned - an integer, total number of aces earned by the team in the match
    • gold - an integer, total gold earned by the team in the match
    • heroKills - an integer, total number of hero kills earned by the team in the match
    • krakenCaptures - an integer, total number of times the team captured the Kraken in the match
    • side - a string, either "left/blue" or "right/red"
    • turretKills - an integer, total number of turrets the team destroyed in the match
    • turretsRemaining - an integer, total number of turrets the team had remaining on their side at match end
  • .participants - Array of Participant



  • ._actor - original actor data before this module did cleanup on it
  • .actor - name of hero used by this participant, as a string (see hero name cleanup details here)
  • ._stats - original stats data before this module did cleanup on it
  • .stats - cleaned up participant stats, an object with these attributes:
    • assists - an integer, the number of assists the player did (the third number in KDA)
    • crystalMineCaptures - an integer, the number of times the player killed the crystal sentry
    • deaths - an integer, number of times the player died (the second number in KDA)
    • farm - an integer, meaning unclear, possibly number of monsters/minions killed
    • firstAfkTime - an integer, the number of seconds into the match the player first went AFK, or -1 if they never did
    • gold - a number (not usually an integer), total gold earned by this player throughout the match
    • goldMineCaptures - an integer, the number of times the player killed the gold miner
    • itemGrants - an object whose keys are the names of the items the player purchased, and whose values are the number of times the player purchased that item; example: {"Weapon Blade":2,"Six Sins":1,"Heavy Steel":1,"Sorrowblade":1,...}
    • itemSells - similar in structure to the previous, but for selling items
    • itemUses - an object whose keys are the names of items the player used, and whose values are the number of times the player used the item; example: {"Travel Boots":3,"Scout Cam":3,...}
    • items - array of strings, all items the player possessed at the end of the match
    • jungleKills - number of kills in jungle camps
    • karmaLevel - a string, one of the three listed here
    • kills - an integer, the number of kills the player did (the first number in KDA)
    • krakenCaptures - an integer, the number of times the player captured the Kraken
    • level - an integer, the level of the player (in the sense of gaining experience post-match to level up your account)
    • minionKills - an integer, the number of minions the player killed (including jungle creeps)
    • nonJungleMinionKills - an integer, the number of minions the player killed (excluding jungle creeps)
    • skillTier - a string such as "Rock Solid - Gold", as provided by this lookup table
    • skinKey - a string naming the skin the player used, such as "Gwen_DefaultSkin"
    • turretCaptures - an integer, the number of turrets the player destroyed
    • wentAfk - a boolean (true or false), whether the player went AFK during the match
    • winner - a boolean (true or false), whether the player was on the winning team
  • .player - Player


  • .player - Array of Player


  • .name - a string, the player's IGN
  • .shardId - region from which the match was fetched, in lower case (e.g., "na")
  • .stats - an object with the following attributes:
    • elo_earned_season_4 - deprecated; use rankPoints instead, documented below
    • elo_earned_season_5 - deprecated; use rankPoints instead, documented below
    • elo_earned_season_6 - deprecated; use rankPoints instead, documented below
    • elo_earned_season_7 - deprecated; use rankPoints instead, documented below
    • elo_earned_season_8 - deprecated; use rankPoints instead, documented below
    • elo_earned_season_9 - deprecated; use rankPoints instead, documented below
    • gamesPlayed - object whose keys are various match types (aral, blitz, blitz_rounds, casual, casual_5v5, ranked, etc.) and whose values are the number of times the player has played that match type
    • guildTag - a string of up to 4 characters, the player's guild tag, or the empty string if the player has no guild
    • karmaLevel - an integer, one of the three listed here
    • level - an integer, the level of the player (in the sense of gaining experience post-match to level up your account)
    • lifetimeGold - meaning unclear
    • lossStreak - number of matches the player has lost in a row, or 0 if the last match was a win (but sometimes this number and winStreak are both zero, impossibly)
    • played - meaning unclear
    • played_aral - deprecated; use gamesPlayed instead, documented above
    • played_blitz - deprecated; use gamesPlayed instead, documented above
    • played_casual - deprecated; use gamesPlayed instead, documented above
    • played_ranked - deprecated; use gamesPlayed instead, documented above
    • rankPoints - an object whose keys are "blitz" and "ranked" and whose values are the player's precise numerical ranks in each of those match types (5v5 rank values not yet supplied)
    • skillTier - an integer, which can be decoded by this lookup table
    • winStreak - number of matches the player has lost in a row, or 0 if the last match was a win (but sometimes this number and lossStreak are both zero, impossibly)
    • wins - an integer, number of games won
    • xp - an integer, number of experience points earned (in post-match rewards, for leveling the player's account)
  • .titleId - always the string "semc-vainglory"
  • .skillTier - an object containing both serverName and name properties, from the list in this lookup table
  • .karmaLevel - an object containing both serverName and name properties, from the list in this lookup table
  • .createdAt - meaning unclear; this attribute is not always present