Serilog-Sinks-Discord copied to clipboard
Serilog discord sink
Hello! I am aware that Serilog.Sinks.Discord.csproj specifies license as MIT, but maybe adding a file with the license to this repo would be a nice touch.
- Reorganized the directory structure. - Modernized the code to be fully asynchronous, with synchronous fallbacks when necessary. - Introduced optional configurations for bot name and avatar URL. - Updated...
Hello. I have a problem using this sink. After applying the following configuration Serilog.Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration().MinimumLevel.Verbose() .WriteTo.Discord(WebhookId, WebhookToken) //or async //.WriteTo.Async(a => //a.Discord(WebhookId, WebhookToken)) .WriteTo.Console(Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Verbose) .CreateLogger(); Serilog.Log.Verbose("Test0"); Serilog.Log.Information("Test1"); Serilog.Log.Debug("Test2");... Please make this more enriched!  Would be better if we have a rate limit error rather than `ooo snap, The operation has timed...