I'm having the same issue on my project. I guess after upgrading NDK. ``` .../workspace/oboe-1.4.3/src/flowgraph/resampler/PolyphaseResamplerMono.cpp:25:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'assert' .../workspace/oboe-1.4.3/src/flowgraph/resampler/PolyphaseResampler.cpp:26:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'assert' .../workspace/oboe-1.4.3/src/flowgraph/resampler/SincResamplerStereo.cpp:27:5: error:...
It happens when the paddingTop is set to more than 0dp. Has anyone found a workaround/fix?
Well. Instead of setting the top and bottom paddings, you can create a special type of a ViewHolder to mimic paddings, then disable its movement. Here you can find how...
@ryanheise Sorry for touching this really old issue. I have found it from the source comments. It seems the androidResumeOnClick now should work as expected. At least on new Android...
Thank you very much for your explanation, @ryanheise!
Hello @ryanheise Sorry, I don't have any understanding of the iOS implementation. But there seems to be a possible solution from JonMercer in this [thread]( He suggests not to assign...
Same issue here. audio_session: ^0.1.17 iOS: 15.2 Only the first event contains the empty sets.