flutter_planets_tutorial copied to clipboard
Updated Lesson 3 project , fixed build errors, fixed overflow issues and enabled flutter_lints
- Updated .gitignore for ios, android and flutter project.
- Replaced configuration 'compile' with 'implementation' and updated targetSdkVersion & compileSdkVersion.
- Updated kotlin version , build gradle plugin version and replaced "maven {url "https://maven.google.com"}" with "mavenCentral()".
- Updated distributionUrl in gradle-wrapper.properties.
- Fixed bottom overflow issue on smaller screens inside planetCard #3 .
- Added SDK constraint:">=2.15.1 <3.0.0" in pubspec.yaml.
- Migrated this app to the V2 embedding.
- Enabled AndroidX support.
- Fixed #8 .
Enabled flutter_lints:
- Added flutter_lints in project.
- Updated project code according to flutter_lints recommendations.