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:rocket: Make Webpack and ASP.NET Core friends easy way

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ASP.NET Core 2.0 extension for using webpack assets in your views

  • Manifest-based: Injects assets' paths with correct hashes right into your views. This way you can implement long-term caching without pain.
  • Zero configuration dev server support: It's very likely that you want to use webpack-dev-server for development. With webpack-aspnetcore you can do that with zero changes to your views and configuration, since it provides a single API to work with static and dev server assets.
  • Auto reloading: When you change your manifest file or it's folder, it automatically reloads assets' paths, so you don't need to restart the production. Dev server auto reloading also works as expected.

A sample web app is available here.

Quick Start

Add a few lines to your Startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
    app.UseWebpack(withDevServer: env.IsDevelopment());

Inject the asset path mapper into razor views, that need the assets

@using Webpack.AspNetCore
@inject AssetPathMapper assets

<link rel="stylesheet" href="@await assets("index.css")" />
<img src="@await assets("static/media/banner1.svg")" />
<script src="@await assets("index.js")"></script>

Tip: Add @using Webpack.AspNetCore once to YourWebApp/Views/_ViewImports.cshtml to avoid adding this line to every view.

Make sure that a valid asset manifest is available at

  • YouWebApp/wwwroot/dist/manifest.json for the static assets
  • if you use the dev server.

Run the dev server and the app. See this section on how it works and check out the sample app for more examples.


Use NuGet Package Manager for Visual Studio to find and install the package "Webpack.AspNetCore" or use dotnet CLI

dotnet add package Webpack.AspNetCore


You can use this extension for a web app that is built with ASP.NET Core 2.0 and has a manifest for static assets. To use it for serving the dev server assets you need webpack-dev-server installed.

Use .NET Core 2.0 SDK to build the source code and the sample app

Dev server vs. Dev middleware

It does not (on purpose) use any kind of webpack-dev-middleware, adopted for ASP.NET Core, to serve the assets in the dev mode.

It means the dev server has to be started manually, but only once, so you don't have to wait until all the assets get recompiled every time you need to rebuild or restart your web app. If it's not an issue, check out Webpack dev middleware.

Though it's not a big deal to do npm run start to start the dev server, there is NPM Task Runner extension for Visual Studio, which lets you do this from the IDE and even bind it to project opening.

Default configuration

Default configuration, that's used in Quick Start, works the following way:

  • In development webpack assets are being served using the dev server reverse proxy middleware, assuming that the dev server is up and running and the manifest is available at
  • In non-development (production, staging, etc.) it serves the static webpack and non-webpack assets using an instance of StaticFile middleware, configured to read the assets from YouWebApp/wwwroot/dist/ folder. The manifest file is expected to exist at YouWebApp/wwwroot/dist/manifest.json.

Auto reloading

  • For the dev server assets auto reloading and hot module replacement work as expected on the front-end by the means of the dev server's web socket.
  • For the static webpack assets their paths are automatically reloaded on the back-end when any changes are made to the manifest file or it's folder. It's enough to refresh a page to see the changes. There's no need to restart Kestrel or recompile razor views.

The static and the dev server modes

The extension can work in two modes: the static mode and the dev server mode. In the static mode it serves the assets from a physical location and in the dev mode it does so from the dev server. Since it provides a single API for obtaining the dev server and the static assets' paths, it can only work in one mode at the same time.

Use app.UseWebpackStatic() for the static mode and app.UseWebpackDevServer() for the dev server mode in the Configure method of your startup class. You can also use a single statement for the both modes

app.UseWebpack(withDevServer: env.IsDevelopment());

This will make it work in the dev server mode for the development environment and in the static mode for other environments.

Tip: You can use the static mode for non-webpack static assets, just make sure that the manifest file format is valid.

Tip: Regardless of chosen middleware, make sure that connections to localhost are fast enough on your development environment, as it can take long time to resolve localhost name or establish a TCP connection. That's why webpack-aspnetcore uses as the dev server's host by default. To check connection performance on your environment you can use curl with -w %{time_namelookup} %{time_connect}. Here is an example of inadequate connection time on a windows environment:

curl -s -w "lookup: %{time_namelookup}\nconnect: %{time_connect}\n" -o NUL http://localhost:8080/manifest.json
lookup: 0.006
connect: 1.009 # <-- something is wrong

curl -s -w "lookup: %{time_namelookup}\nconnect: %{time_connect}\n" -o NUL
lookup: 0.000
connect: 0.001

To fix this, check your etc/hosts and probably IPv6 configuration.


Here you can find how to tell webpack-aspnetcore where to look for the assets and how to serve them.

Modifying the default configuration

The default configuration can be modified in the ConfigureServices method of your startup class using AddStaticOptions and AddDevServerOptions methods

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        .AddStaticOptions(options =>
            options.ManifestFileName = "asset-manifest.json"
        .AddDevServerOptions(options => {
            options.ManifestFileName = "asset-manifest.json";
            options.Host = "";
            options.Port = 8081;
            opts.Scheme = "https";
    // ...

This example shows how to change the default manifest file name to be asset-manifest.json instead of manifest.json and sets up the dev server's host, port and scheme.

Tip: The both AddStaticOptions and AddDevServerOptions methods can be called multiple times and in any order.

Manifest path for the static assets

The manifest path for the static assets is defined by ManifestFileName and ManifestDirectoryPath properties and tells webpack-aspnetcore where to look for the manifest and the assets. The ManifestDirectoryPath property defines the location of the manifest, relative to ASP.NET Core Web Root and defaults to "/dist/".

services.AddWebpack().AddStaticOptions(options =>
    options.ManifestFileName = "webpack-assets.json";
    options.ManifestDirectoryPath = PathString.Empty;

The above example changes the default manifest file name from manifest.json to webpack-assets.json and the default manifest directory path from /dist/ to an empty path string. This way the manifest and the assets will be read from YourWebApp/wwwroot/ instead of from YourWebApp/wwwroot/dist/.

Manifest path for dev server assets

The manifest path for the dev server assets is defined by ManifestFileName and PublicPath properties. The PublicPath property is the path the assets and the manifest are being served from on the dev server and defaults to an empty path string.

services.AddWebpack().AddDevServerOptions(options =>
    options.ManifestFileName = "webpack-assets.json";
    options.PublicPath = "/some/public/path/";

The idea behind this example is the same as for the static assets.

Public path

Configured webpack public path has to match the public path of your web app's webpack assets, which consists of:

  • Request path base which is not empty when you, for example, host your web app as an IIS virtual application
  • Request path – public path of the static assets, relative to request path base.

An example of using non-empty request path and request path base can be found here.

Configuring StaticFile middleware

Serving webpack and non-webpack static assets using StaticFile middleware is enabled by default.

To configure StaticFile middleware, webpack-aspnetcore provides a limited set of options. These options include all properties of StaticFileOptions, except FileProvider, since a file provider for static webpack assets is defined by the manifest path and can not be modified.

An example of configuring static file options can be found here.

Serving static assets with a reverse proxy on production

Although webpack-aspnetcore by default uses StaticFile middleware to serve the static assets, this is probably not how you want it to be done on production. Nginx, Apache and IIS as reverse proxies in front of Kestrel do it more efficiently by using their dedicated modules for serving static content.

When using a reverse proxy for serving static files, no changes are needed for webpack-aspnetcore configuration, since these requests simply won't get to Kestrel. Though you might want to use some kind of url rewriting of the reverse proxy.

For example, check out how it's done in the sample app for IIS.

Disabling StaticFile middleware

If for some reason you don't need to use StaticFile middleware, it can be disabled

services.AddWebpack(options => options.UseStaticFileMiddleware = false);

Running tests

Use a script

# unix and osx

This will start the dev server, required for integration tests, run the tests and stop the server after that. Alternatively, use Visual Studio Test Explorer and run the dev server before running the tests.


The goal of this project is to give ASP.NET Core users a way to use all shiny and amazing webpack for production and development without pain. All your help is highly appreciated!

Please, feel free to open a discussion here and make your pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details