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Facades for Yii 2

Facades for Yii 2

Laravel like facades support for Yii 2 application components. Just what you want: simple, extensive and with an IDE auto completion support via PHPDoc so you won't be disappointed.

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Table of contents

  • Installation
  • Usage
    • Generate random string
    • Fetch all users (just an example!)
    • Format currency
  • Access properties
  • Available facades
  • Helpers
    • Cache
      • cache
      • get
    • Response
      • bare
      • html
      • json
      • jsonp
      • raw
      • xml
  • Extending


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require "sergeymakinen/yii2-facades:^1.0"

or add

"sergeymakinen/yii2-facades": "^1.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Basically you install the extension and start using it like you do with all normal Yii 2 application components but with a shorter simpler syntax, let's take a look (in case you wonder, all default facades, including an abstract base Facade reside under a sergeymakinen\facades namespace):

Generate random string


$random = Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString(128);


$random = Security::generateRandomString(128);

Fetch all users (just an example!)


$users = Yii::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM users;')->queryAll();


$users = Db::createCommand('SELECT * FROM users;')->queryAll();

Format currency


$price = Yii::$app->formatter->asCurrency(123456.78, 'USD');


$price = Formatter::asCurrency(123456.78, 'USD');

Access properties

Any class public property $foo can be got via an accessor:

$value = YourFacadeName::getFoo()

And set:


Available facades

Name Facaded component alias Component/interface
Asset Yii::$app->assetManager yii\web\AssetManager
Auth Yii::$app->auth yii\rbac\ManagerInterface
Cache Yii::$app->cache yii\caching\Cache
Db Yii::$app->db yii\db\Connection
Error Yii::$app->errorHandler yii\console\ErrorHandler
Formatter Yii::$app->formatter yii\i18n\Formatter
Http Yii::$app->httpClient yii\httpclient\Client
I18n Yii::$app->i18n yii\i18n\I18N
Log Yii::$app->log yii\log\Dispatcher
Mailer Yii::$app->mailer yii\swiftmailer\Mailer
Redis Yii::$app->redis yii\redis\Connection
Request Yii::$app->request yii\console\Request
Response Yii::$app->response yii\console\Response
Router Yii::$app->urlManager yii\web\UrlManager
Security Yii::$app->security yii\base\Security
Session Yii::$app->session yii\web\Session
Url Yii::$app->urlManager yii\web\UrlManager
User Yii::$app->user yii\web\User
View Yii::$app->view yii\web\View


Some facades also contain useful helpers to make a development more quick and elegant.



public static function cache($key, $default, $duration = 0, $dependency = null)

Retrieves a value using the provided key or the specified default value if the value is not cached. If the value is not in the cache, it will be cached. The default value can also be a closure:

$users = Cache::cache('users', function () {
    return app\models\Users::findAll();
}, 3600);


public static function get($key, $default = false)

Retrieves a value using the provided key and returns it or the specified default value which can also be a closure:

$options = Cache::get('options', function () {
    return [
        'option1' => false,
        'option2' => true



public static function bare($statusCode = 204, array $headers = [])

Returns an empty response with optional headers:

public function actionCreate()
    // ...
    return Response::bare(201);


public static function html($data, array $headers = [])

Returns a HTML response with optional headers:

public function actionIndex()
    // ...
    return Response::html($this->render('index'), [
        'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache'


public static function json($data, array $headers = [])

Returns a JSON response with optional headers:

public function actionList()
    // ...
    return Response::json(Db::createCommand('SELECT * FROM users')->all());


public static function jsonp($data, $callback = 'callback', array $headers = [])

Returns a JSONP response with optional headers:

public function actionApi($callback)
    // ...
    return Response::jsonp([
        'success' => true,
        'response' => $data
    ], $callback);


public static function raw($data, array $headers = [])

Returns a response with data "as is" with optional headers:

public function actionCreate()
    // ...
    return Response::raw($binary, [
        'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream'


public static function xml($data, array $headers = [])

Returns a XML response with optional headers:

public function actionCreate()
    // ...
    return Response::xml([
        'success' => true,
        'response' => $data


If you want a new facade, it's fast and easy, imagine you want to bring a YourFacadeName facade:

class YourFacadeName extends Facade
     * @inheritdoc
    public static function getFacadeComponentId()
        return 'yourFacadeComponentName'; // Yii::$app->yourFacadeComponentName

Then whenever you call


it will be executed as
