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Mongoose driver for TingoDB embedded database
Note! Currently driver support operation only with Mongoose 3.x. Mongoose 4.x uses API of MongoDb driver 2.x while TingoDB currently is compatible with 1.x API only. Please let us know if support of 4.x version is essential.
This module implements mongoose.js driver API and allows to use mongoose with TingoDB.
TingoDB is embedded Node.js database that is compatible with MongoDB on API level.
So far this module is on its early stage with only basic functionality.
To use this module you have to install both tungus and mongoose.
npm install tungus
npm install mongoose
Then in your code you should include once tungus module prior to include of mongoose. This rewrites global.MONGOOSE_DRIVER_PATH variable to point it to tungus.
Next to that you can keep using mongoose as usual except now it will accept different connection string:
Optionally you can set tingodb options using ```TUNGUS_DB_OPTIONS``` global variable. For example this way it is possible to switch to BSON.ObjectID ids which is default for mongodb.
global.TUNGUS_DB_OPTIONS = { nativeObjectID: true, searchInArray: true };
Full example:
var tungus = require('tungus');
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
console.log('Running mongoose version %s', mongoose.version);
* Console schema
var consoleSchema = Schema({
name: String
, manufacturer: String
, released: Date
var Console = mongoose.model('Console', consoleSchema);
* Game schema
var gameSchema = Schema({
name: String
, developer: String
, released: Date
, consoles: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Console' }]
var Game = mongoose.model('Game', gameSchema);
* Connect to the local tingo db file
mongoose.connect('tingodb://'+__dirname+'/data', function (err) {
// if we failed to connect, abort
if (err) throw err;
// we connected ok
* Data generation
function createData () {
name: 'Nintendo 64'
, manufacturer: 'Nintendo'
, released: 'September 29, 1996'
}, function (err, nintendo64) {
if (err) return done(err);
name: 'Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
, developer: 'Nintendo'
, released: new Date('November 21, 1998')
, consoles: [nintendo64]
}, function (err) {
if (err) return done(err);
* Population
function example () {
.findOne({ name: /^Legend of Zelda/ })
.exec(function (err, ocinara) {
if (err) return done(err);
'"%s" was released for the %s on %s'
, ocinara.name
, ocinara.consoles[0].name
, ocinara.released.toLocaleDateString());
function done (err) {
if (err) console.error(err);
Console.remove(function () {
Game.remove(function () {