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Compatibility with AsteRx2i HDC

Open MatteoDeBenedetti opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments


We have the following Septentrio GPS: AsteRx2i HDC SN 900019725 image

Is this ROS package compatible with this specific model? We did manage to run and open the serial port editing rover.yaml, but no message is published.

MatteoDeBenedetti avatar Apr 29 '22 09:04 MatteoDeBenedetti


I am sorry but the driver was tested only on the current generation of receivers. Nonetheless, the driver should theoretically also work with older versions as long as they support SBF.

Can you please share more details, i.e., the version of the driver you are using, your rover.yaml and ros log (please run with activate_debug_log: true if you are using the new release). Also make sure to set a high enough baudrate for the serial connection.

thomasemter avatar Apr 29 '22 14:04 thomasemter

Hi, Apologies on the delay. We did manage to run it in the end.

In case it's useful: We are using the master branch on Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic. Here is our rover.yaml:

# Configuration Settings for the Rover Rx

# GNSS/INS Parameters

# device: tcp://
device: serial:/dev/ttyACM1

  baudrate: 115200
  rx_serial_port: USB1
  hw_flow_control: false

frame_id: gnss

imu_frame_id: imu

poi_frame_id: base_link

vsm_frame_id: vsm

aux1_frame_id: aux1

vehicle_frame_id: base_link

get_spatial_config_from_tf: false

lock_utm_zone: true

use_ros_axis_orientation: true

receiver_type: gnss

multi_antenna: false

datum: ETRS89

  delta_e: 0.0
  delta_n: 0.0
  delta_u: 0.0

  heading: 0.0
  pitch: 0.0
ant_type: Unknown
ant_serial_nr: Unknown
ant_aux1_type: Unknown
ant_aux1_serial_nr: Unknown

leap_seconds: 18

  pvt: 500
  rest: 500

use_gnss_time: false

  mode: off
  caster: 0
  caster_port: 0
  username: 0
  password: 0
  mountpoint: 0
  ntrip_version: v2
  send_gga: auto
  rx_has_internet: false
  rtcm_version: RTCMv2
  rx_input_corrections_tcp: 6666
  rx_input_corrections_serial: ACM0

  # For both GNSS and INS Rxs
  navsatfix: true
  gpsfix: true
  gpgga: false
  gprmc: false
  gpst : false
  measepoch: false
  pvtcartesian: false
  pvtgeodetic: true
  poscovcartesian: false
  poscovgeodetic: true
  velcovgeodetic: true
  atteuler: false
  attcoveuler: true
  pose: false
  diagnostics: false
  # For GNSS Rx only
  gpgsa: true
  gpgsv: false
  # For INS Rx only
  insnavcart: false
  insnavgeod: false
  extsensormeas: false
  imusetup: false
  velsensorsetup: false
  exteventinsnavcart: false
  exteventinsnavgeod: false
  imu: false
  localization: false
  tf: false

# INS-Specific Parameters

    theta_x: 0.0
    theta_y: 0.0
    theta_z: 0.0
    delta_x: 0.0
    delta_y: 0.0
    delta_z: 0.0
    x: 0.0
    y: 0.0
    z: 0.0
    vsm_x: 0.0
    vsm_y: 0.0
    vsm_z: 0.0

ins_initial_heading: auto

  att_std_dev: 5.0
  pos_std_dev: 10.0

ins_use_poi: false

# Logger

activate_debug_log: true

MatteoDeBenedetti avatar May 09 '22 08:05 MatteoDeBenedetti


thank you for your feedback. I'm happy you managed to run it.

You may set activate_debug_log: back to false if you do not need the additional log output in normal operations.

thomasemter avatar May 09 '22 10:05 thomasemter