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integration of /localization odometry data to robot_localization node

Open NK1807 opened this issue 10 months ago • 2 comments

Hello I have been using septentrio's Asterx SBi3 pro+ with dual antenna setup. I have integrated it to robot_localization node via navsat_transform . I would like to integrate directly /localization odometry topic data as it gives absolute heading. My doubts/questions are below

  1. The frame ids of the /localization is "utm_32n" to child frame "base_link". How can i integrate this to robot _localization node as it needs map -> base_link? (to second ekf_map instance as I'm integrating lidar odom and IMU from INS receiver to first ekf instance)
    2)which is the better way to integrate. is it navsatfix to navsat_transform or /localization to ekf_map instance? 3)this is a doubt, does /imu from this receiver already fused with dual antenna heading information?

Could some please clarify these?

working environment: ROS2 umble Jetson Orin AGX - ubuntu 22

NK1807 avatar Apr 28 '24 11:04 NK1807


I am not 100 % familiar with robot_localization but I will try to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge.

  1. Since UTM is a map projection it actually is a map frame. If you have a different map frame you may provide a static transform between the two. Or you may provide UTM coordinates directly in the yaml file of your map.
  2. I am not really sure what ekf_map represents but localization provides the pose in a Cartesian frame whereas navsatfix provides geodetic coordinates.
  3. Orientation contains dual antenna heading information as long as there is proper GNSS reception.

I hope this helps.

thomasemter avatar Apr 29 '24 06:04 thomasemter

Thanks for the clarification @thomasemter

NK1807 avatar Apr 29 '24 19:04 NK1807