septentrio_gnss_driver copied to clipboard
Some msgs are dropped
Hello, I bought asterxsbi3 pro and to read the data I use ros2 node. I saw that the topic twits_ins has a rate 100 Hz but checking some plot I saw some frames are dropped As you can see in the picture attached, some msgs have dissapeared.
Any advise?
Hi there,
I am not sure what that plot is showing exactly, since on the x-axis there seems to be a 1e10 scaling? Can you please explain what is shown and if this is live data or from a bag file? Which tool did you use to visualize or record the data? Some ROS 2 tools are known to have problems with high rate data, e.g. here. Also, unreliable connections may have side effects.
Also, which interface of the AsteRx is used? Serial baud rates have to be set appropriately for high rate data.
Sorry for my bad explanation. Few days ago, we were using the AsteRx SBi3 Pro to get the position and ins velocity on the platform. After analyze the data, we saw some messages are dropped. You can see on the picture attached below.
We though that the problem was the software that we were using to plot the data. We have tried plotjuggler, Floxglove and our own script to plot data (On real time and using rosbags ). Same result in each plotter.
We are using ethernet interface to get the data.
Thank you for the clarification. I assume you are running the driver with ROS timestamps, i.e. use_gnss_time
set to false
, correct?
Counting the data points in your foxglove screenshot, there are 20 withing 0.2 s, which is 100 Hz data rate. So it seems you are not loosing data but the rate ist fluctuating. This could be caused by a highly loaded network. Are there other devices in your network like GigE cameras or LiDARs producing a lot of UDP traffic? Running ros2 topic hz /twist_ins
gives you some statistics on the delta times. Can you try to run this with just the AsteRx connected and no other active ROS nodes?
Exactly, we are running using ROS timestamps.
Are there other devices in your network like GigE cameras or LiDARs producing a lot of UDP traffic?
There are not other devices connected to my network, just Septentrio and my computer to read the data.
I am sorry but in that case I am a little clueless right now. Some jitter of a few % is normal but I haven't experienced it to that extent. Are you using TCP and could you try with UDP for comparison (parameter stream_device.udp
My actual configuration is this one:
# Configuration Settings for the Rover Rx
# GNSS/INS Parameters
device: tcp://my_ip:28784
baudrate: 921600
hw_flow_control: "off"
# stream_device:
# tcp:
# ip_server: ""
# port: 0
# udp:
# ip_server: ""
# port: 0
# unicast_ip: ""
configure_rx: true
# login:
# user: ""
# password: ""
# osnma:
# mode: "off"
# ntp_server: ""
# keep_open: true
frame_id: gnss
imu_frame_id: imu
poi_frame_id: base_link
vsm_frame_id: vsm
aux1_frame_id: aux1
vehicle_frame_id: base_link
local_frame_id: odom
insert_local_frame: false
get_spatial_config_from_tf: false
lock_utm_zone: true
use_ros_axis_orientation: true
receiver_type: ins
multi_antenna: true
datum: Default
# poi_to_arp: # offsets of the main GNSS antenna reference point (ARP) with respect to the point of interest (POI = marker). Use for static receivers only.
# delta_e: 0.0
# delta_n: 0.0
# delta_u: 0.0
att_offset: ## for board setup
heading: 90.0
pitch: 0.0
ant_type: "SEPPOLANT_MC.V2"
ant_serial_nr: "Unknown"
ant_aux1_type: "SEPPOLANT_MC.V2"
ant_aux1_serial_nr: "Unknown"
polling_period: ## tbd what it can do/ we need
pvt: 0
rest: 500
use_gnss_time: false
latency_compensation: false
#Data hidden
# ip_server_1:
# id: ""
# port: 0
# rtk_standard: "auto"
# send_gga: "auto"
# keep_open: true
# serial_1:
# port: ""
# baud_rate: 115200
# rtk_standard: "auto"
# send_gga: "auto"
# keep_open: true
# For both GNSS and INS Rxs
navsatfix: true
gpsfix: true
gpgga: true
gprmc: true
gpst: true
measepoch: false
pvtcartesian: true
pvtgeodetic: true
basevectorcart: false
basevectorgeod: false
poscovcartesian: true
poscovgeodetic: true
velcovcartesian: false
velcovgeodetic: true
atteuler: true
attcoveuler: true
pose: true
twist: true
diagnostics: true
aimplusstatus: true
galauthstatus: false
# For GNSS Rx only
gpgsa: false
gpgsv: false
# For INS Rx only
insnavcart: true
insnavgeod: true
extsensormeas: false
imusetup: false
velsensorsetup: false
exteventinsnavcart: false
exteventinsnavgeod: false
imu: true
localization: true
tf: false
localization_ecef: false
tf_ecef: false
# INS-Specific Parameters
theta_x: 180
theta_y: 0.0
theta_z: 0.0
delta_x: 0.0
delta_y: 0.0
delta_z: 0.0
x: 0.0
y: -0.305
z: -0.0102
vsm_x: 0.0
vsm_y: 0.0
vsm_z: 0.0
ins_initial_heading: auto
att_std_dev: 5.0
pos_std_dev: 10.0
ins_use_poi: false
source: "twist"
config: [true, true, false]
variances_by_parameter: false
# variances: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# ip_server:
# id: ""
# port: 0
# keep_open: true
# serial:
# port: ""
# baud_rate: 115200
# keep_open: true
# logger
activate_debug_log: false
How can I change stream_device?
You have a lot of publishers active, which means you pose a high demand on the AsteRx and transmission bandwidth. Maybe you can deactivate some publishers if you do not need them. E.g., gpsfix
needs raw measurements which take up a lot of bandwidth.
You can setup the stream device for UDP like this:
ip_server: "IPS1"
port: 28785
unicast_ip: "[ip_of_pc]"
You should be aware that UDP is meant for low latency transmission of a few topics. From the manual: Note that the UDP implementation is meant to be used with small data volumes and low update rates. It is the user’s responsibility to only enable short messages at low rate when using UDP, in order to prevent throughput degradation of the network. Nevertheless, I have used it with high update rates without any problem but it is advisable to watch the CPU load.
thank you @thomasemter for looking into this.
Unfortunately, we're still experiencing issues. Sometimes it works very well, with ROS messages on topic twist_ins
being timestamped and arriving at a steady 100 Hz (<5 ms in TCP and < 2 ms UDP), while at other times we see an interval on the order of 100 ms between subsequent messages and UDP mode not even working.
Today we tested with several devices. All the tried configurations reproduced the same undesired result of having a gap of at least 20 ms somewhere in every subsequent 100 messages.
We tried two routers, two network switches, two different laptops with a different OS version (Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04) and ROS distributions (Foxy and Humble), four ways of connecting to the router (native gigabit port, two different USB-to-ethernet adapters and wifi). Internet access was disabled on the router side, the CPU load on the computer was negligible (< 10 %) and only two devices were connected to the router's switch (the Septentrio and our computer running ROS).
Capturing the TCP traffic with Wireshark showed that now and then there's a long delay - e.g. 80 ms - between subsequent TCP packets.
Enabling UDP mode caused UDP packages to show up in Wireshark, however the Septentrio node didn't publish any messages on the twist_ins
topic. It did max out one CPU core though. This did work in the past.
I assume we're making some error in a configuration somewhere, however it is unclear to me where. We would greatly appreciate any suggestions on how to resolve this. In case there is a need for more information from our side, please let know.
Further information: The receiver firmware is 1.4.1 and for the ROS node we run the latest version from GitHub compiled from source. We launched the Septentrio node using ros2 launch septentrio_gnss_driver
This is the modified rover.yaml
config file we used for TCP:
# Configuration Settings for the Rover Rx
# GNSS/INS Parameters
device: tcp://
configure_rx: true
user: ""
password: ""
mode: "off"
ntp_server: ""
keep_open: true
frame_id: gnss
imu_frame_id: imu
poi_frame_id: base_link
vsm_frame_id: vsm
aux1_frame_id: aux1
vehicle_frame_id: base_link
local_frame_id: odom
insert_local_frame: false
get_spatial_config_from_tf: false
lock_utm_zone: true
use_ros_axis_orientation: true
receiver_type: ins
multi_antenna: true
datum: Default
delta_e: 0.0
delta_n: 0.0
delta_u: 0.0
heading: 0.0
pitch: 0.0
ant_type: "SEPPOLANT_MC.V2"
ant_serial_nr: "Unknown"
ant_aux1_type: "SEPPOLANT_MC.V2"
ant_aux1_serial_nr: "Unknown"
pvt: 0
rest: 500
use_gnss_time: false
latency_compensation: false
id: ""
caster: ""
caster_port: 2101
username: ""
password: ""
mountpoint: ""
version: "v2"
tls: false
fingerprint: ""
rtk_standard: "auto"
send_gga: "auto"
keep_open: true
id: ""
port: 0
rtk_standard: "auto"
send_gga: "auto"
keep_open: true
port: ""
baud_rate: 115200
rtk_standard: "auto"
send_gga: "auto"
keep_open: true
# For both GNSS and INS Rxs
navsatfix: false
gpsfix: true
gpgga: false
gprmc: false
gpst: false
measepoch: false
pvtcartesian: false
pvtgeodetic: true
basevectorcart: false
basevectorgeod: false
poscovcartesian: false
poscovgeodetic: true
velcovcartesian: false
velcovgeodetic: true
atteuler: true
attcoveuler: true
pose: false
twist: true
diagnostics: false
aimplusstatus: true
galauthstatus: false
# For GNSS Rx only
gpgsa: false
gpgsv: false
# For INS Rx only
insnavcart: false
insnavgeod: false
extsensormeas: false
imusetup: false
velsensorsetup: false
exteventinsnavcart: false
exteventinsnavgeod: false
imu: false
localization: false
tf: false
localization_ecef: false
tf_ecef: false
# INS-Specific Parameters
theta_x: 0.0
theta_y: 0.0
theta_z: 0.0
delta_x: 1.0
delta_y: 0.0
delta_z: 0.0
x: 1.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
vsm_x: 1.0
vsm_y: 0.0
vsm_z: 0.0
ins_initial_heading: auto
att_std_dev: 5.0
pos_std_dev: 10.0
ins_use_poi: false
source: ""
config: [false, false, false]
variances_by_parameter: false
variances: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
id: ""
port: 0
keep_open: true
port: ""
baud_rate: 115200
keep_open: true
# logger
activate_debug_log: false
For using UDP, we added the following below device
ip_server: "IPS1"
port: 28785
unicast_ip: ""
Thank you for your thorough testing and sorry you are still experiencing this issue. I am still a little clueless what could be the culprit.
Just to make sure: By latest version of the driver, do you mean 1.3.1?
- Can you access the web interface and check the CPU load of the AsteRx?
- Did you also try without the router, i.e., direct ethernet connection?
- Is it possible for you to test with USB via RNDIS, i.e., connect the AsteRx with USB and set
device: tcp://
? - Could you test with just one topic, e.g.,
insnavgeod: true
and the restfalse
set tofalse
) and log the output ofros2 topic hz /insnavgeod
Just to make sure: By latest version of the driver, do you mean 1.3.1?
Probably, the commit log shows v1.3.1, HEAD commit is 207c37bc.
- Can you access the web interface and check the CPU load of the AsteRx? AsteRx receiver CPU load varies between 46 and 65 %.
- Did you also try without the router, i.e., direct ethernet connection?
Good idea, just tried this (static IPs on both and wifi off). Now UDP does work most of the time and when it works, messages are published every 10 +- 1 ms. However, TCP performs worse than before, there are still large gaps and per second only 90...99 messages are received instead of 100 (see ros2 topic hz
output below).
- Is it possible for you to test with USB via RNDIS, i.e., connect the AsteRx with USB and set
device: tcp://
I'll look whether we have a cable for that.
- Could you test with just one topic, e.g.,
insnavgeod: true
and the restfalse
set tofalse
) and log the output ofros2 topic hz /insnavgeod
In TCP mode:
arne@laptop:~/ros2$ ros2 topic list
arne@laptop:~/ros2$ ros2 topic hz /insnavgeod
average rate: 95.847
min: 0.002s max: 0.037s std dev: 0.00406s window: 97
average rate: 95.947
min: 0.001s max: 0.043s std dev: 0.00426s window: 194
average rate: 95.656
min: 0.001s max: 0.051s std dev: 0.00451s window: 290
average rate: 95.752
min: 0.001s max: 0.051s std dev: 0.00437s window: 387
average rate: 95.800
min: 0.001s max: 0.051s std dev: 0.00429s window: 483
average rate: 95.671
min: 0.001s max: 0.051s std dev: 0.00428s window: 579
average rate: 95.299
min: 0.001s max: 0.076s std dev: 0.00484s window: 673
average rate: 95.386
min: 0.001s max: 0.076s std dev: 0.00483s window: 769
average rate: 95.359
min: 0.001s max: 0.076s std dev: 0.00475s window: 865
So intervals range from 1 to 76 ms. The header timestamps show similar intervals.
Here's an excerpt from the TCP package log from Wireshark, with large intervals between packets 496-497 and 521-522 (packets 497 and 522 are also considerably longer):
No. Time Source Destination ProtocolLength Info
492 3.330 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=38629 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706902 TSecr=3783558735
493 3.330 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=38745 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783558755 TSecr=706901
494 3.340 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=38745 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706903 TSecr=3783558755
495 3.351 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=38861 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706904 TSecr=3783558755
496 3.351 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=38977 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783558776 TSecr=706903
497 3.398 TCP 530 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=38977 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=464 TSval=706909 TSecr=3783558755
498 3.402 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=39441 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706909 TSecr=3783558776
499 3.402 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=39557 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783558827 TSecr=706909
500 3.410 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=39557 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706910 TSecr=3783558827
501 3.420 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=39673 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706911 TSecr=3783558827
502 3.420 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=39789 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783558845 TSecr=706910
503 3.430 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=39789 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706912 TSecr=3783558845
504 3.440 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=39905 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706913 TSecr=3783558845
505 3.440 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=40021 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783558865 TSecr=706912
506 3.450 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=40021 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706914 TSecr=3783558865
507 3.460 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=40137 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706915 TSecr=3783558865
508 3.461 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=40253 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783558886 TSecr=706914
509 3.470 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=40253 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706916 TSecr=3783558886
510 3.480 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=40369 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706917 TSecr=3783558886
511 3.480 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=40485 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783558905 TSecr=706916
512 3.490 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=40485 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706918 TSecr=3783558905
513 3.500 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=40601 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706919 TSecr=3783558905
514 3.500 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=40717 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783558925 TSecr=706918
515 3.510 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=40717 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706920 TSecr=3783558925
516 3.520 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=40833 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706921 TSecr=3783558925
517 3.520 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=40949 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783558945 TSecr=706920
518 3.530 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=40949 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706922 TSecr=3783558945
519 3.540 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=41065 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706923 TSecr=3783558945
520 3.540 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=41181 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783558965 TSecr=706922
521 3.550 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=41181 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706924 TSecr=3783558965
522 3.583 TCP 414 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=41297 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=348 TSval=706927 TSecr=3783558965
523 3.583 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=41645 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783559008 TSecr=706924
524 3.590 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=41645 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706928 TSecr=3783559008
525 3.600 TCP 182 28784 → 53198 [PSH, ACK] Seq=41761 Ack=5 Win=1810 Len=116 TSval=706929 TSecr=3783559008
526 3.600 TCP 66 53198 → 28784 [ACK] Seq=5 Ack=41877 Win=501 Len=0 TSval=3783559025 TSecr=706928
Thank you for the details.
I just tested it with my SBi with TCP via RNDIS and ros2 topic hz /insnavgeod
average rate: 100.000
min: 0.008s max: 0.012s std dev: 0.00041s window: 10000
average rate: 100.000
min: 0.008s max: 0.012s std dev: 0.00041s window: 10000
average rate: 100.000
min: 0.008s max: 0.012s std dev: 0.00041s window: 10000
average rate: 99.999
min: 0.008s max: 0.012s std dev: 0.00041s window: 10000
average rate: 100.000
min: 0.008s max: 0.012s std dev: 0.00041s window: 10000
average rate: 100.000
min: 0.008s max: 0.012s std dev: 0.00041s window: 10000
average rate: 100.000
min: 0.008s max: 0.012s std dev: 0.00041s window: 10000
average rate: 99.999
min: 0.008s max: 0.012s std dev: 0.00040s window: 10000
average rate: 100.000
min: 0.008s max: 0.012s std dev: 0.00040s window: 10000
average rate: 100.001
min: 0.008s max: 0.012s std dev: 0.00040s window: 10000
average rate: 99.999
min: 0.008s max: 0.012s std dev: 0.00040s window: 10000
with nearly all publishers activated. With a real ethernet connection max is 0.039 s which is much worse but still not as high as you are experiencing. With UDP both are within 10 +/- 2 ms. Since the latency jitter for TCP is much lower via RNDIS, I do not think the problem lies in the driver or ROS.
I have consulted with Septentrio's support and there is indeed a higher latency when using TCP via real ethernet. It is caused by the implementation in the lower level of the firmware. An improvement is being worked on, which will likely be incorporated in the next AsteRx SBi3 firmware release. For lowest latency operation it is still recommended to go with UDP.
Great that you got in touch with their support, looking forward to the next firmware release!
We experimented with UDP several times, sometimes it works, however overall it doesn't perform sufficiently reliably, so we prefer TCP.
A new firmware 1.4.3 has been released, which improves the TCP/IP latency.