Josef (Seppo) Gründler
Josef (Seppo) Gründler
had the above problem ("[gemmacoswindow]: unable to switch to current window (do you have one?), cannot render!") on silicon mac m1 OS X 12.0.1 , replacing [gemmacoswindow] with [gemglfw3window] helped...
in opening Gem->examples-> 01.basic->01.redSqauare.pd 3 times, but that's it. I'm using glfw 3.3.5 , thats what brew installes on my machine and tells me its up to date
see the comments above how I got it to run on an M1
to be honest, I don't know, installed glfw3 dec 21 but did upgrade my brew install just recently. Brew info glfw shows: ~~~ glfw: stable 3.3.6 (bottled), HEAD Multi-platform library...