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Mutserve call does not work with CRAM file
I am trying to run mutserve using .cram files as from documentation seems it supports it:
Usage: mutserve call [--baq] [--deletions] [--help] [--insertions] [--no-ansi]
[--no-freq] [--version] [--write-fasta] [--write-raw]
[--alignQ=<alignQ>] [--baseQ=<baseQ>]
[--contig-name=<contig>] [--level=<level>] [--mapQ=<mapQ>]
[--mode=<mode>] --output=<output> --reference=<reference>
[--threads=<threads>] [<input>...]
Call homoplasmic and heteroplasmic positions.
**[<input>...] BAM/CRAM files**
--alignQ=<alignQ> Minimum Align Quality
Default: 30
--baq Enable BAQ
Default: false
--baseQ=<baseQ> Minimum Base Quality
Default: 20
Specifify mtDNA contig name
Default: null
--deletions Call deletions (beta)
Default: false
--insertions Call insertions (beta)
Default: false
--level=<level> Minimum Heteroplasmy Level
--mapQ=<mapQ> Minimum Map Quality
Default: 20
--mode=<mode> Specifify mutserve mode
Default: mtdna
--no-ansi Disable ANSI support
Default: false
--no-freq Use Frequency File
Default: false
--output=<output> "Output (txt or vcf)
--threads=<threads> Number of threads
--write-fasta Write fasta file
Default: false
--write-raw Write raw file
Default: false
This is my code:
mutserve call --reference rCRS.fa --output out_from_cram.vcf --threads 2 my_input.cram
But the program does not recognise the .cram file, and sees it as a sam file:
htsjdk.samtools.SAMException: Input file must be bam file, not sam file
Is there a way to solve this?