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deps: renovate dependency dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- [ ] deps: Update all non-major dependencies (
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
- [ ] deps: Update dependency pandas to v2
- [ ] deps: Update dependency pillow to v10
- [ ] deps: Update dependency protobuf to v4
- [ ] deps: Update dependency pydantic to v2
- [ ] deps: Update dependency rfc3986 to v2
- [ ] deps: Update dependency tzlocal to v5
Detected dependencies
langchain ~=0.0.225
chromadb ~=0.3.26
transformers ~=4.30.2
InstructorEmbedding ~=1.0.1
sentence_transformers ~=2.2.2
unstructured ~=0.7.12
torch >=2.0.1
auto_gptq ~=0.2.2
einops ~=0.6.1
fire ~=0.5.0
streamlit-chat ~=0.1.1
protobuf <=3.20.0
accelerate ==0.20.3
aiohttp ==3.8.4
aiosignal ==1.3.1
altair ==5.0.1
anyio ==3.7.1
argilla ==1.12.0
async-timeout ==4.0.2
attrs ==23.1.0
auto-gptq ==0.2.2
backoff ==2.2.1
blinker ==1.6.2
cachetools ==5.3.1
certifi ==2023.5.7
cffi ==1.15.1
chardet ==5.1.0
charset-normalizer ==3.1.0
chromadb ==0.3.26
click ==8.1.3
clickhouse-connect ==0.6.5
colorama ==0.4.6
coloredlogs ==15.0.1
commonmark ==0.9.1
cryptography ==41.0.1
dataclasses-json ==0.5.9
datasets ==2.13.1
decorator ==5.1.1
deprecated ==1.2.14
dill ==0.3.6
duckdb ==0.8.1
einops ==0.6.1
et-xmlfile ==1.1.0
exceptiongroup ==1.1.2
fastapi ==0.99.1
filelock ==3.12.2
filetype ==1.2.0
fire ==0.5.0
flatbuffers ==23.5.26
frozenlist ==1.3.3
fsspec ==2023.6.0
gitdb ==4.0.10
gitpython ==3.1.31
greenlet ==2.0.2
h11 ==0.14.0
hnswlib ==0.7.0
httpcore ==0.16.3
httptools ==0.5.0
httpx ==0.23.3
huggingface-hub ==0.16.2
humanfriendly ==10.0
idna ==3.4
importlib-metadata ==6.7.0
instructorembedding ==1.0.1
jinja2 ==3.1.2
joblib ==1.3.1
jsonschema ==4.18.0
jsonschema-specifications ==2023.6.1
langchain ==0.0.225
langchainplus-sdk ==0.0.20
lxml ==4.9.3
lz4 ==4.3.2
markdown ==3.4.3
markupsafe ==2.1.3
marshmallow ==3.19.0
marshmallow-enum ==1.5.1
monotonic ==1.6
mpmath ==1.3.0
msg-parser ==1.2.0
multidict ==6.0.4
multiprocess ==0.70.14
mypy-extensions ==1.0.0
networkx ==3.1
nltk ==3.8.1
numexpr ==2.8.4
numpy ==1.23.5
olefile ==0.46
onnxruntime ==1.15.1
openapi-schema-pydantic ==1.2.4
openpyxl ==3.1.2
overrides ==7.3.1
packaging ==23.1
pandas ==1.5.3
pdf2image ==1.16.3
pdfminer-six ==20221105
pillow ==9.5.0
posthog ==3.0.1
protobuf ==3.20.0
psutil ==5.9.5
pulsar-client ==3.2.0
pyarrow ==12.0.1
pycparser ==2.21
pydantic ==1.10.11
pydeck ==0.8.1b0
pygments ==2.15.1
pympler ==1.0.1
pypandoc ==1.11
pyreadline3 ==3.4.1
python-dateutil ==2.8.2
python-docx ==0.8.11
python-dotenv ==1.0.0
python-magic ==0.4.27
python-pptx ==0.6.21
pytz ==2023.3
pytz-deprecation-shim ==0.1.0.post0
pyyaml ==6.0
referencing ==0.29.1
regex ==2023.6.3
requests ==2.31.0
rfc3986 ==1.5.0
rich ==13.0.1
rouge ==1.0.1
rpds-py ==0.8.7
safetensors ==0.3.1
scikit-learn ==1.3.0
scipy ==1.11.1
sentence-transformers ==2.2.2
sentencepiece ==0.1.99
six ==1.16.0
smmap ==5.0.0
sniffio ==1.3.0
sqlalchemy ==2.0.18
starlette ==0.27.0
streamlit ==1.24.0
streamlit-chat ==0.1.1
sympy ==1.12
tabulate ==0.9.0
tenacity ==8.2.2
termcolor ==2.3.0
threadpoolctl ==3.1.0
tokenizers ==0.13.3
toml ==0.10.2
toolz ==0.12.0
torch ==2.0.1+cu118
torchvision ==0.15.2+cu118
tornado ==6.3.2
tqdm ==4.65.0
transformers ==4.30.2
typer ==0.7.0
typing-extensions ==4.7.1
typing-inspect ==0.9.0
tzdata ==2023.3
tzlocal ==4.3.1
unstructured ==0.7.12
urllib3 ==2.0.3
uvicorn ==0.22.0
validators ==0.20.0
watchdog ==3.0.0
watchfiles ==0.19.0
websockets ==11.0.3
wrapt ==1.14.1
xlrd ==2.0.1
xlsxwriter ==3.1.2
xxhash ==3.2.0
yarl ==1.9.2
zipp ==3.15.0
zstandard ==0.21.0
python 3.10.0
- [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository