eo-learn-workshop copied to clipboard
ValueError: During execution of task VectorToRaster: None is not a valid CRS
For the water_level_extraction.ipynb, I get this error when executing the workflow. I check my geopandas version and it seems up to date.
Any ideas? thank you!
From the information you have provided I'd say your vector data has no CRS set up. Could you try something along the lines:
to see if the (geo)pandas DF has valid CRS? If I am (completely) off, please provide more info (where this happens etc).
Thanks for the quick reply. I tried this gpd.crs And got the same error. I actually switched over to the notebook included in the eo-learn github repository and ran eo-learn/examples/water-monitor/WaterMonitorWorkflow.ipynb
which seems to do the same thing, and had no errors.
Worskhop version: gpd.GeoDataFrame(crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}, geometry=[nominal_geometry]) eo-learn version: gpd.GeoDataFrame(crs=CRS.WGS84.pyproj_crs(), geometry=[dam_nominal])
Also, looks like eo-learn uses some updated data inputs tasks (SentinelHubInputTask) , not sure if that makes a difference...?
This workshop unfortunately has not been updated (yet), and there have been quite some changes in the sentinelhub and eolearn packages, some of which (the one you found included) because of changes in geopandas