sensu-plugins-windows copied to clipboard
Sensu Windows Plugins
These files provide basic Checks and Metrics for a Windows system.
- bin/check-windows-cpu-load.rb
- bin/check-windows-disk.rb
- bin/check-windows-process.rb
- bin/check-windows-processor-queue-length.rb
- bin/check-windows-ram.rb
- bin/check-windows-service.rb
- bin/metric-windows-cpu-load.rb
- bin/metric-windows-disk-usage.rb
- bin/metric-windows-network.rb
- bin/metric-windows-processor-queue-length.rb
- bin/metric-windows-ram-usage.rb
- bin/metric-windows-uptime.rb
- bin/powershell_helper.rb
- bin/check-windows-cpu-load.ps1
- bin/check-windows-disk.ps1
- bin/check-windows-disk-writeable.ps1
- bin/check-windows-pagefile.ps1
- bin/check-windows-process.ps1
- bin/check-windows-processor-queue-length.ps1
- bin/check-windows-ram.ps1
- bin/check-windows-service.ps1
- bin/metric-windows-cpu-load.ps1
- bin/metric-windows-disk-usage.ps1
- bin/metric-windows-network.ps1
- bin/metric-windows-processor-queue-length.ps1
- bin/metric-windows-ram-usage.ps1
- bin/metric-windows-uptime.ps1
- bin/check-windows-directory.ps1
- bin/check-windows-event-log.ps1
- bin/check-windows-log.ps1
Example 1:
Execute Powershell functions using the helper (No copy needed), see example below:
"checks": {
"cpu_percent": {
"command": "c:\\opt\\sensu\\embedded\\bin\\ruby C:\\opt\\sensu\\embedded\\bin\\powershell_helper.rb check-windows-ram.ps1 90 95",
"interval": 30,
"type": "check",
"handler": "win_metrics",
"subscribers": ["win_metrics"]
Example 2:
Copy either the Ruby or Powershell files on a Sensu Client, typically under C:\etc\sensu\plugins.
You should also include the full escaped path to the ruby interpreter in the check's command configuration, see example below:
"checks": {
"cpu_percent": {
"command": "c:\\opt\\sensu\\embedded\\bin\\ruby C:\\opt\\sensu\\etc\\plugins\\metric-windows-cpu-load.rb",
"interval": 30,
"type": "metric",
"handler": "win_metrics",
"subscribers": ["win_metrics"]
You should also include the full escaped path to the ruby interpreter in the check's command configuration, see example below:
"checks": {
"cpu_percent": {
"command": "c:\\opt\\sensu\\embedded\\bin\\ruby C:\\opt\\sensu\\etc\\plugins\\metric-windows-cpu-load.rb",
"interval": 30,
"type": "metric",
"handler": "win_metrics",
"subscribers": ["win_metrics"]
- Powershell checks require Powershell version 3.0 or higher.
- Failures to pull counter data with messages like below, might be due to corrupt performance counters. See Here for more information. Short answer on fix is
lodctr /R
in an Admin elevated command prompt
Check failed to run: undefined method length' for nil:NilClass, "c:/opt/sensu/plugins/check-windows-ram.rb:45:inacquire_ram_usage'", "c:/opt/sensu/plugins/check-windows-ram.rb:54:in run'", "c:/opt/sensu/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/sensu-plugin-1.
Installation and Updates
Windows Platform testing is moving to Pester as Powershell is the native language for the OS.
All tests should be written using Pester 4 syntax. For the differences please read this
In Windows 10 v1809 and higher, you first need to cleanup the default Pester module and only then you can proceed with the installation of higher version of Pester module.
$module = "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester"
takeown /F $module /A /R
icacls $module /reset
icacls $module /grant Administrators:'F' /inheritance:d /T
Remove-Item -Path $Module -Recurse -Force -Confirm:$false
Install-Module -Name Pester -Force
For any subsequent update it is enough to run:
Update-Module -Name Pester
Running Tests
From the root directory run