snoopy-ng copied to clipboard
Is this project still being developed? Are there any other projects doing similar things to Snoopy-ng?
Is this project still being developed? Are there any other projects doing similar things to Snoopy-ng?
If you can get it to install, you'd be ahead of most of us
I have it running...been awhile since I've revisited this. Can you let me know if you are able to get it running using these steps?
apt-get install gcc make autoconf git python-pip python-dev build-essential \
libffi-dev libssl-dev libjpeg-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev tcpdump \
libpcap-dev vim postgresql libpq-dev -y --force-yes
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade virtualenv
git clone
virtualenv ./snoopy-ng/venv
source ./snoopy-ng/venv/bin/activate
cd ~/snoopy-ng/
sed -i 's/.*from gps import.*/from gps3 import gps3/' ./plugins/
sed -i 's/from libmproxy/from mitmproxy/' ./includes/
pip install publicsuffix BeautifulSoup Pillow cryptography epeg-cffi gps3 httplib2 mitmproxy netifaces netlib psutil pyOpenSSL pyasn1 pyinotify python-dateutil requests scapy sqlalchemy psycopg2
cd ~/snoopy-ng/ && git clone
cd Pyrit/
python clean
python build
python install
systemctl stop postgresql.service
systemctl disable postgresql.service
systemctl stop exim4.service
systemctl disable exim4.service
This is The new script to run snoopy? Can help me in running snoopy in a Mac OS or Kali linux ad central server And ad a drone on some raspberry Py or onion omega that collect gprs/bluetooth/Bluetooth lte And wi-fi MAC addresses?
Best regards Sincerely
I will give it a try ;-)
But why do you stop postgresql and exim4? Is this a "must" or just (your) a decision?
not a must, I just don't require the services.
The most recently updated fork appears to be this one, which was modified to be suitable for Raspberry PI:
Morning all, i will be looking at this Repo again this week, to get it stable in Kali Rolling. Thank you for your inputs to the project.
Thats really GREAT ;-) NoobieDog .... Thank you!!
@NoobieDog Did you ever get around to looking at getting it running in Kali Rolling?
so actually compiles and runs, unlike this.