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tunneling a meterpreter session

Open gelim opened this issue 7 years ago • 5 comments

Hi guys,

I understand it's a project that has not moved since a long time, but maybe you still will read this. I'm trying to tunnel a meterpreter session through reDuh.

The stage1 that need to load the big meterpreter blob is listenning locally on the server under control to port 4444. I use reDuh to connect my local meterpreter control machine to this server's local socket, the blob seems sent properly but after the upload nothing is happening.

Log of reDuhClient is the following:

[Info]Localhost ====> (2500 bytes read from local socket)
[Info]Localhost ====> (2500 bytes read from local socket)
[Info]Localhost ====> (2500 bytes read from local socket)
[Info]Localhost ====> (2500 bytes read from local socket)
[Info]Localhost ====> (2500 bytes read from local socket)
[Info]Localhost ====> (2410 bytes read from local socket)
[Info]Localhost ====> (77 bytes read from local socket)
[Info]Caught data with sequenceNumber 1
[Info]Caught data with sequenceNumber 2
[Info]Caught data with sequenceNumber 3
[Info]Caught data with sequenceNumber 4
[Info]Caught data with sequenceNumber 5
[Info]Caught data with sequenceNumber 6
[Info]Caught data with sequenceNumber 7
[Info]Caught data with sequenceNumber 8
[Info]Caught data with sequenceNumber 9
[Info]Caught data with sequenceNumber 10
[Info]Caught data with sequenceNumber 11
[... skip this infinite incrementing...]

Maybe you have an idea about the root of the problem, or where to look at? Cheers,

-- Mathieu

gelim avatar May 25 '17 15:05 gelim