SapCap copied to clipboard
SApCap is a SAP packet sniffer and decompression tool for analysing SAP GUI (DIAG) traffic
#1. Name
SapCap - SAP GUI protocl sniffer / decompressor
#2. Author
Ian de Villiers < ian(at)sensepost(dot)com >
#3. License, version & release date
License : GPL
Version : V0.1
Release Date : 2011/09/02
#4. Description SApCap is a SAP packet sniffer and decompression tool for analysing SAP GUI (DIAG) traffic. Using a 3rd-party JNI interface for pCap, it is also able to load previously captured tcpdump files. #5. Usage
java -jar SApCap.jar #6. Requirements Java runtime environment.
Jpcap (
Custom JNI Library.
The custom JNI library is included in the download.
Binary builds of the JNI library are only available for the following platforms:
Mac OS/X
Windows (32-bit)
Linux (32-bit)
Please note: The JNI libraries required for the platform must be kept in ./lib.
#7. Additional Resources
System Application Proxy Pwnage -
Blog post -