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The Bi-directional Link Extractor.

#1. Name BiLE Suite #2. Author Roelof Temmingh #3. License, version & release date License : GPLv2
Version : v1.0
Release Date : Unknown

#4. Description ##4.1 The Bi-directional Link Extractor. BiLE leans on Google and HTTrack to automate the collections to and from the target site, and then applies a simple statistical weighing algorithm to deduce which Web sites have the strongest .relationships. with the target site.

We run against the target Web site by simply specifying the Website address and a name for the output file. ##4.2 The next tool used in the collection is BiLE-weigh, which takes the output of BiLE and calculates the significance of each site found. The weighing algorithm is complex and the details will not be discussed; what should be noted is:

The target site that was given as an input parameter does not need to end up with the highest weight. This is a good sign that the provided target site is not the central site of the organization.

A link to a site with many links to the site weighs less than a link to a site with fewer links to the site. A link from a site with many links weighs less than a link from a site with fewer links. A link from a site weighs more than a link to a site.

##4.3 The script is used to find domains in any other TLDs. ##4.4 The output of BiLE-weigh now lists a number of domains with a relevance number. The sites with a lower relevance number that are situated much lower down the list are not as important as the top sites.The results from the BiLE-weigh have listed a number of domains with their relevance to our target Web site. Sites that rank much further down the list are not as important as the top sites. The next step is to take the list of sites and match their domain names to IPs.

For this, we use vet-IPrange.The vet-IPrange tool performs DNS lookups for a supplied list of DNS names. It will then write the IP address of each lookup into a file, and then perform a lookup on a second set of names. If the IP address matches any of the IP addresses obtained from the first step, the tool will add the DNS name to the file. #4.5 qtrace is used to plot the boundaries of networks. It uses a heavily modified traceroute using a #custom compiled hping# to perform multiple traceroutes to boundary sections of a class C network. qtrace uses a list of single IP addresses to test the network size. Output is written to a specified file. ##4.6 Looking at the MX records of a company can also be used to group domains together. For this process, we use the vet-mx tool. The tool performs MX lookups for a list of domains, and stores each IP it gets in a file. vet-mx performs a second run of lookups on a list of domains, and if any of the IPs of the MX records matches any of the first phase IPs found, the domain is added to the output file.

##4.7 jarf-rev is used to perform a reverse DNS lookup on an IP range. All reverse entries that match the filter file are displayed to screen (STDOUT). The output displayed is the DNS name followed by IP address.

##4.8 The jarf-dnsbrute script is a DNS brute forcer, for when DNS zone transfers are not allowed. jarf-dnsbrute will perform forward DNS lookups using a specified domain name with a list of names for hosts. The script is multithreaded, setting off up to 10 threads at a time.

#5. Usage ##5.1

perl sp_bile_out.txt.mine out.txt Two output files are produced, *.mine and *.walrus, for now *.mine is the important file we will use later.

This command will run for some time. BiLE will use HTTrack to download and analyze the entire site, extracting links to other sites that will also be downloaded, analyzed, and so forth. BiLE will also run a series of Google searches using the link: directive to see what external sites have HTTP links toward our target site.

The output of this a file containing all the link pairs in the format:


BiLE produces output that only contains the source and destination sites for each link, but tells us nothing about the relevance of each site. Once you have a list of all the .relationships. (links to and from your chosen target Web site), you want to sort them according to relevance. The tool we use here,, uses a complex formula to sort the relationships so you can easily see which are most important.


perl sp_bile_out.txt.mine out.txt

Input fields:
< website > is a Web site name; for example,
input file typically output from BiLE

Creates a file called < input file name >.sorted, sorted by weight with lower weights first.

Output format:
Site name:weight

The list you get should look something like:

The number you see next to each site is the .weight. that BiLE has assigned. The weight in itself is an arbitrary value and of no real use to us. What is interesting, however, is the relationship between the values of the sites. The rate at which the sites discovered become less relevant is referred to as the .rate of decay.. A slow rate of decay means there are many sites with a high indication of widespread cross-linking. A steep decent shows us that the site is fairly unknown and unconnected.a stand-alone site. It is in the latter case that HTML Link Analysis becomes interesting to us, as these links are likely to reflect actual business relationships.


perl [input file] [output file]

Input fields:
Input file, is the file containing a list of domains

Output file, is the output file containing domains expanded by TLD

tld-expand will run for awhile depending on how many domains are listed in the input file. One can monitor the output by; tail -f outputfilename #5.4

perl [input file] [true domain file] [output file] < range >

Input fields:
Input file, file containing list of domains True domain file contains list of domains to be compared to

Output file a file containing matched domains


perl [ip_address_file] [output_file]

Input fields:
Full IP addresses one per line
Output results to file

Typical use:
perl ip_list.txt outputfile.txt

Output format:
Network range


perl [input file] [true domain file] [output file] Input fields:
Input file, is the file containing a list of domains
True domain file contains list of domains to be compared to

Output file, is an output file containing matched domains

##5.7 jarf-rey

perl jarf-rev [subnetblock] Input fields:
Subnetblock specified is the first three octets of network address

Typical use:

perl jarf-rev Output format:
DNS name ; IP number
DNS name is blank if no reverse entry could be discovered.


perl jarf-dnsbrute [domain_name] [file_with_names]

Input fields:
Domain name the domain name
File_with_name the full path the file containing common DNS names

Typical use:

perl jarf-dnsbrute common

Output format:
DNS name ; IP number

#6. Requirements ##6.1

In order for to run correctly httrack needs to be installed on the operating system. Line 67 of can be modified to point to the httrack executable:

$mc="httrack $site......


$mc="/home/sensepost/tools/httrack $site......


There are no real requirements, except that the script requires the *.bile output file from the script

##6.3 N/A

##6.4 N/A


NB! hping-1s is a recompiled hping with setuid support,1sec timeout - setuid
Note: remember to allow icmp type 11 into your network!

Line 59 of can be modified to point to the hping-1s executable:

my @res=`hping-1s -2......


my @res=`/home/sensepost/tools/modified/hping-1s -2.....

##6.6 N/A