Alexander Senier
Alexander Senier
For better error reporting it would be beneficial to find all cycles in a model (instead of just detecting there is one) and output them. Johnsons algorithm does that [1]....
Sometimes the value of a type cannot be derived from scalar values or basic operations on scalar values, but are more complex calculation is required. Examples are variable length integers...
When using message types for the fields of a message, sometimes a constraint is required that a length field has the right value even though the length of the field...
The following specification should be rejected as the parameter passed to the message type does not exist: ```Ada package Test is type T is mod 2 ** 8; type M1...
This looks like an interesting project, thank you for creating it! When trying to start `braus` I'm getting the following error message: ```Console $ /opt/braus/bin/braus (braus:8418): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 16:19:38.781: Settings...
The `sequence_type` production is not referenced anywhere. It should probably become an alternative of `basic_declaration` in the [language reference](
Currently if we add test data under `tests/data`, this files may just not be used (e.g. `tests/data/ipv6` is not being used!). Add a check to the test case that every...
Currently `examples/apps/ping/spec/icmp.rflx` in RecordFlux contains a more recent version of ICMPv4. This depends on Componolit/RecordFlux-specifications#45.