
Results 26 comments of semvis123

Hmm weird, are there any error messages in the console? (Scrobbles only get added once you listen +50% of the song, or pass the 4 minute mark. So if you...

Yes, the console in the devtools.

Can't reproduce the issue (everything gets logged correctly), i'm using 1.15 with no extra plugins enabled (except the plugins enabled by default) (btw did not notice that this project had...

This is probably the Monterey issue mentioned in #62

Could you try the version from #68?(

This is something I personally also wanted, because I don't like the low battery warnings that stop the audio for 3 seconds :) I suppose the firmware is updated or...

Just got the url for the bin file that will be uploaded to the headset (don't think that I'm able to legally share the url lol), I used Mitmproxy to...

hmm seems like the bin file is a otau file, but I don't think that creating those files is made public. Looks pretty difficult to create such a...

> @semvis123 I tried mitmproxy but all I can see are connectivitychecks of google. > > Mobile data is deactivated. > > I deleted cache and data of the app...

Managed to mute a beep in one of the mp3's (power off sound). I used [mp3DirectCut]( to alter a mp3 chunk (extracted with [Veles]( of the binary file without changing...