summernote-ext-elfinder copied to clipboard
Summernote Plugin for elFinder File Manager
Summernote Plugin elFinder
Summernote Plugin for elFinder File Manager
Download plugin files. Extract it and copy into your summernote plugin directory.
Include the summernote ext javascript file into your html page.
<script src="path/to/plugin/summernote-ext-elfinder/summernote-ext-elfinder.js"></script>
Initialize the plugin at your summernote initialization code.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('.summernote').summernote({ height: 200, tabsize: 2, toolbar: [ ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']], ['insert', ['elfinder']] ] }); }); function elfinderDialog() { var fm = $('<div/>').dialogelfinder({ url : '', // change with the url of your connector lang : 'en', width : 840, height: 450, destroyOnClose : true, getFileCallback : function(files, fm) { console.log(files); $('.editor').summernote('editor.insertImage', files.url); }, commandsOptions : { getfile : { oncomplete : 'close', folders : false } } }).dialogelfinder('instance'); } </script>
Tested with
- Summernote : master branch (after v0.8.12)
- elFinder : 2.1.51
- Bootstrap : v3.4.1
- jQuery : 1.12.1
- jQuery-UI : 1.11.4
Don't forget to include the jQuery and jQuery-UI. The latest elFinder not include jquery-ui file.