Puguh Wijayanto
Puguh Wijayanto
i am sorry but i am not familiar with both of them.
hello @mcpdeveloper443 for this version please refer to this wiki page https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/wiki/Integration-with-Multiple-Summernote-(fixed-functions)
okay I will try to run test with your specification I will let You know when it's worked.
Hi, i've tried it and it worked fine ```html Starter Template · Bootstrap $(document).ready(function() { $('#summernote').summernote({ height: 200, tabsize: 2, toolbar: [ ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']], ['insert', ['elfinder']] ]...
to work with elfinder, you should define the php connector, see this sample at elfinder repository https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/blob/master/php/connector.minimal.php-dist . run it on xampp webserver. so the php file can be called...
it can, just upload the php directory of elfinder and fit it with your requirement. it's best to upload on a webhosting. so it can be accessed online via internet.
try this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13421463/htaccess-access-control-allow-origin
`elfinder.src.html#elf_l1_Lw` that url generated automatically by elfinder, i think you should try to make your application can follow redirect
your application is working fine, this problem occur with php output. try to modify php-connector and see what happen.