LearningWebAppDev copied to clipboard
Examples from the book "Learning Web Application Development".
As of August 2015, users should now go to https://apps.twitter.com (no more to dev.twitter.com as indicated on page 195) to obtain credential information for the Twitter app they try to...
I have problem running mongo. After starting mongodb service, commanding mongo would result: `Error: couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:145 ` And running mongod would result: `ERROR: dbpath (/data/db/)...
After adding the JSON file as a variable in the server.js of Amazeriffic, will there have to be any changes in the app.js file? I think the main method of...
CloudFoundry has changed significantly in version 6, and -- sadly -- it looks like it did not maintain compatibility with version 5 (which we used for the book). This means...
From Mike Hennessey: > Typo in the print version: > > Ch. 5, p. 179 reads: > "remember that I had you write a function called containsNTimes" > > The...
Alex Koutmos was kind enough to send this information regarding the migration from Express 3 to Express 4. It is included below. > I found some good information here regarding...
The font sizes xx-large, x-large and so on are fixed sizes. not relative. Changing the base font size has no affect on them. Reference http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#font-size-props
Can't copy this from my reader. Would love you play around with it without having to type it all up.
That seems to be left out of the chapter 5 examples.
As it is now one types their text, clicks the button and the text disappears. A check of Newest shows the item added to the list. Be nice to diplay...