Semaphore is a protocol, designed to be a simple and generic privacy layer for Ethereum DApps. Using zero knowledge, Ethereum users can prove their membership of a group and send signals such as votes or endorsements without revealing their original identity.
The core of the Semaphore protocol is in the circuit logic. However Semaphore also provides Solidity contracts (NPM: @semaphore-protocol/contracts) and JavaScript libraries to make the steps for offchain proof creation and onchain verification easier. To learn more about Semaphore visit
If you want to deploy contracts in a specific network you can set up the DEFAULT_NETWORK variable in your .env file with the name of one of our supported networks (hardhat, localhost, goerli, kovan, arbitrum). Or you can specify it as option:
yarn deploy:all --network kovan
yarn deploy:all --network localhost
If you want to deploy contracts on Goerli, Kovan or Arbitrum, remember to provide a valid private key and an Infura API in your .env file.