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Automatic type class law checking.


"I am the law!" ⸻Judge Dredd

This is a GHC plugin that, during compilation, automatically builds a hedgehog-classes test suite for the type class instances defined in each module.


You need to add this plugin to any library you want to test, then you have to add a corresponding test suite. Here is a cabal example:

name:                  my-library

  exposed-modules:     My.Test.Mod
  ghc-options:         -fplugin Dredd

library my-library-testing -- where `Gen`s and `Laws` are defined
  exposed-modules:     My.Test.Mod.Gen,

test-suite my-test
  build-depends:       base,
  build-tool-depends:  dredd:lawmaster
  default-language:    Haskell2010
  hs-source-dirs:      dredd
  main-is:             Main.hs                 -- you have to write this one
  other-modules:       Judge.Dredd.My.Test.Mod -- this module is autogenerated
  type:                exitcode-stdio-1.0

Main.hs should look like

{-# options_ghc -F -pgmF lawmaster #-}

The test output is just that from hedgehog-classes, but here you get all those property tests from a couple small modules.


Currently, it expects things to be named in a particular way:

  • Gen and Laws need to be defined in a separate library, so they don't get recursively processed, looking for more laws to check;
  • Gens need to be named gen<Type> and live in <defining module>.Gen, and must expect an m a for each type parameter;
  • Laws need to be named <Class>Laws and live in <defining module>.Laws;
  • the test suite needs to have hs-source-dirs: dredd (since that's where the generated modules will be put);
  • the test suite needs to have main-is: Main.hs ("dredd/Main.hs" needs to contain the options_ghc pragma);

Here is a brief example:

module MyModule where

instance MyTypeClass MyType

will generate a test module that looks like

module Judge.Dredd.MyModule (dreddLaws) where

import Hedgehog.Classes
import MyModule.Gen

dreddLaws :: IO Bool
dreddLaws =
  = lawsCheckMany
      [("MyType", [myTypeClassLaws genMyType]),

and the generated driver looks something like

module Main (main) where

import Hedgehog.Classes (lawsCheckmMany)
import Hedgehog.Main (defaultMain)
import qualified Judge.Dredd.MyModule.Gen

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain [Judge.Dredd.MyModule.Gen.dreddLaws, ...]


  • omit tests that aren't satisfied (e.g., most Laws require Eq and Show instances, and we shouldn't generate tests for types that are missing those instances (or maybe create orphan standalone deriving instances in the generated test suite)
  • support parameterized instances (e.g., Monoid a => Monoid (Maybe a)), perhaps using Exemplar
  • allow configuration of names and locations for Laws and Gens (similarly, support other test frameworks).