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java.time Kotlin extension functions library.


Java Time Kotlin extension functions.


Java Time became integrated to the JDK as of Java 8. It was a huge improvement over its Date predecessor.

Java Time Fun library empowers Java Time even more, making usage of dates & times a breeze.

What's In It?

1. Parsing

// Provided time
val result = "01:30 AM".parseLocalTime()

// Provided local date
val result = "2021-06-07".parseLocalDate()

// Provided ambiguous date formats
val result = "06/07/2021".parseLocalDate(format = "MM/dd/yyyy")

// Automatic time zone conversions
val result = "2021-10-04T10:10:00+0000".parseZonedDateTime()

// Maintain original time zone
val result = "2021-10-04T10:10:00+0000".parseZonedDateTime(useSystemTimeZone = false)

// Parse LocalDate as ZonedDateTime
val result = "2021-06-07".parseZonedDateTime()

2. Creation

val result = = 2021, month = 3, day = 25)

val result =

val result =

val result = = 5, minute = 30)

3. Comparisons

// Year
val result = dateA.compareYear(dateB)
val result = dateA.isBeforeYear(dateB)

// Month
val result = dateA.compareMonth(dateB)
val result = dateA.getMonthDifference(dateB)
val result = dateA.isEqualMonth(dateB)

// Day
val result = dateA.compareDay(dateB)
val result = dateA.getDayDifference(dateB)
val result = dateA.isAfterEqualDay(dateB)

// Time
val result = dateA.compareTime(dateB)
val result = dateA.getMinuteDifference(dateB)
val result = dateA.isAfterEqualTime(dateB)

4. Print

val date = "2021-07-06".parseZonedDateTime()
val result = date.print(format = "MM/dd/yyyy")

5. Attributes

val result = date.isAtStartOfDay()

val result = date.getDaysInMonth()

6. Mutations

val result = date.atStartOfDay()

val result = date.getLast(DayOfWeek.FRIDAY)

val result = date.getNext(DayOfWeek.MONDAY)

7. Preset Dates

val result =

val result = LocalDateTimes.tomorrow

val result = LocalDates.nextMonday

How to install?

Add to root build.gradle:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' } // last line

Add to module build.gradle:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.seljabali:java-time-fun:0.5'

For Android

In addition to the above, you need to desugar your module:

  • Ensure you're using Gradle Plugin 4.0.0+.
  • Update module build.gradle:
android {
    defaultConfig {
        // Required when setting minSdkVersion to 20 or lower
        multiDexEnabled true

    compileOptions {
        // Flag to enable support for the new language APIs
        coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
        // Sets Java compatibility to Java 8
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

dependencies {
    coreLibraryDesugaring ''

For more information on Android desugaring click here.