teamvault copied to clipboard
Keep your company's passwords behind the firewall
TeamVault is an open-source web-based shared password manager for behind-the-firewall installation. It requires Python 3.8+ and PostgreSQL (with the unaccent extension).
apt-get install libffi-dev libldap2-dev libpq-dev libsasl2-dev python3.X-dev postgresql-contrib
pip install teamvault
teamvault setup
vim /etc/teamvault.conf
# note that the teamvault database user will need SUPERUSER privileges
# during this step in order to activate the unaccent extension
teamvault upgrade
teamvault plumbing createsuperuser
teamvault run
pip install --upgrade teamvault
teamvault upgrade
Install Postgres and create a database and superuser for TeamVault to use, for example by starting a Docker container:
docker run --rm --detach --publish=5432:5432 --name teamvault-postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=teamvault -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=teamvault postgres:latest
To compile all JS & SCSS files, you'll need to install all required packages via bun (or yarn/npm) with node >= v18.
Use bun/yarn/npm run serve
to start a dev server.
Now create a virtual environment to install and configure TeamVault in:
pipenv install
pipenv shell
pip install -e .
export TEAMVAULT_CONFIG_FILE=teamvault.cfg
teamvault setup
vim teamvault.cfg # base_url = http://localhost:8000
# session_cookie_secure = False
# database config as needed
teamvault upgrade
teamvault plumbing createsuperuser
teamvault run
Now open http://localhost:8000
Scheduled background jobs
We use huey to run background jobs. This requires you to run a second process, in parallel to TeamVault itself. You can launch it via
teamvault run_huey
Release process
- Install the "build" and "twine" packages via pip
- Bump the version in
- Update with the new version and current date
- Make a release commit with the changes made above
- Push the commit
- Run
to create a new package - Sign and push the artifacts to PyPI (
twine upload -s dist/*
) - Add a new GitHub release