That's pretty expensive. If it were me I'd wait until I can look more at the problem. There's no guarantee that 384 would even be enough... Checkpointing would be something...
This fell off my radar, unfortunately. @h5kk If you have a PDB, what do you need OOAnalyzer for?
If you have a PDB, you are in great shape. Import it into Ghidra / IDA, and don't worry about OOAnalyzer. OOAnalyzer is useful for the more common case when...
Not ready but don't want to forget about this branch
I will look into the prolog issue with tightvnc. First I'll try to make sure I can reproduce the problem on the newly released version.
I was able to reproduce the problem using your facts file on the new version. 0x4bf2f0 is `AnsiStringStorage::vftable`, and 0x4bb6b8 is `StringStorage::vftable`. This is what reasonMergeClassesK says: ``` % If...
`reasonMergeClasses_K(0x4bb6b8, 0x4bf2f0, 0x498550).` 0x4bb6b8 (StringStorage::vftable) is related to 0x498550, but is currently on class 0x4bf2f0 (AnsiStringStorage::vftable). How is 0x4bb6b8 related to 0x498550? ``` 1390162: Concluding factClassRelatedMethod(0x4737c0, 0x498550). 1397482: Merging class...
To be clear, this is a problem with reasonClassRelatedMethod_B.
@sei-ccohen and I have talked about using Ghidra to produce initial facts for OOAnalyzer. As you noted, there are capabilities in Ghidra that would be helpful and do not currently...
```> Running...> Checking for missing RTTI information and undefined constructor/destructor functions and creating if possible to find entry point...> analyzing program changes ...> Recovering classes using...