Hi [jingwood]( I solve the problem , before i used an example from the website which work only with merge but than i use: ``` position = unvell.ReoGrid.RangePosition() self.sheet.UnmergeRange(position) ```...
@lennert-loos In my case i have peoblem with a python module , maybe this can solve your problem ``` heroku login heroku git:remote -a your-app-name heroku ps:scale worker=1 ```
Thank you very much @deKlerk , i will try it
I find a way but still need improve the code ``` import clr import sys sys.path.append(r'D:\charts') clr.AddReference('LiveCharts.WinForms.dll') clr.AddReference('LiveCharts.Wpf.dll') clr.AddReference('LiveCharts.dll') import LiveCharts import LiveCharts.WinForms from System.Drawing import * from System.Windows.Forms import...
Thank you @ltdrdata , i will try it
I have the same problem, i think this created only for unity
I mean this (space), you called it (x,y) `var pngBytes = latexformula.RenderToPng(40.0, space, space, "Arial");` The background color applied to the bounds of the png and the rest of image...
I use this way: ``` using System.IO; using WpfMath.Parsers; using WpfMath; using System.Windows.Media; using XamlMath.Exceptions; private void ConvertLatex(string formula, string fileName, System.Drawing.Color textClr, System.Drawing.Color backClr, double scale, double space) try...
Thank you very much fo you work and effort I tried to create images using this way to save: jpg, bmp which add white background automatically ``` using(Image image =...
Hi I use this way to fill the trasnparent area and it work fine ``` Bitmap CreateImage(string strLatex, double scale, double space, System.Drawing.Color tcolor, System.Drawing.Color bcolor) { Bitmap bmp; var...