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Malformed Channel Names in playlist generated by proxylive
Hi segator,
one question regarding the playlist's channel names. Some are displayed correctly. And approximately 30% are not and are malformed. This happens when the source is set to tvheadend. The error can be best explained via this image. Would be great to know how to fix this in the channel generation.
Thank you in advance and kind regards.
PS: if there is a way to tip you just let me know
I see, interesting probably we will need to escape the name when generating the m3u file can you share the full name of one of those that have problems? i can make a fast fix
Awesome! Sure here are a few of those from M3U File proxylive: #EXTM3U cache=2000 url-tvg="http://tvheadend:3081/epg" x-tvg-url="http://tvheadend:3081/epg" tvg-shift=0
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-chno="1" group-title="IPTV 07/21 (filtered, proxied)" group-title="IPTV due 31/07/2021 (filtered & renamed)" group-title="SDTV" group-title="Common" group-title="FFmpeg" group-title="IPTV 07/21 (filtered, renamed)" group-title="Germany" group-title="DE Ent" group-title="IPTV" group-title="TV channels" tvg-id="9e093a129b9bca7e59bf156b426c4cc3" tvg-name="Das Erste" type="mpeg",Das Erste
From VLC: renamed)" group-title="Germany" group-title="DE Ent" group-title="IPTV" group-title="TV channels" tvg-id="9e093a129b9bca7e59bf156b426c4cc3" tvg-name="Das Erste" type="mpeg",Das Erste
renamed)" group-title="Germany" group-title="DE Ent" group-title="IPTV" group-title="TV channels" tvg-id="be8e16357afa765683b976fb4d560c71" tvg-name="RTL2" type="mpeg",RTL2
They should have read from the TVHeadend generated M3U via http://user:pw@tvheadend9981/playlist/ as follows: #EXTINF:-1 logo="" tvg-id="9e093a129b9bca7e59bf156b426c4cc3" tvg-chno="1",Das Erste http://tvheadend:9981/stream/channelid/305793438?profile=pass
This prefix tag "renamed)" is potentially coming from a naming issue inside my network (e.g. it is called "Aliexpress IPTV 07/21 (filtered, renamed)"). Might that be the issue?
I see the problem is the double quote, we need to escape this character replace " for "