Vsevolod Eremenko
Vsevolod Eremenko
Seems work! just configure with '--no-msse' flag, e.g.: `python3 waf configure --build-static --with-python --with-cpptests --with-examples --with-vamp --no-msse` May be it's possible to set it by default if M1 architecture is...
Since Writers on Mac don't work with recent ffmpeg (#1172) I moved to ffmpeg 2.8.18, now it's better. Though AudioWriter fails with "Segmentation fault 11" when I try mp3 format...
There's a error if I attempt to write an audio with MonoWriter (wav in particular). './waf run_python_tests' failed: ``` [ INFO ] resizing buffer to 36040/4505 [wav @ 0x7f8ae9099600] Using...
Where I could find audio for Bach10* files? I expected it's in V2, but it is not.
Most of the original Weimar annotations are applied to the part of the tracks denoted by "Position in Track" on the website (or presumably transcription_info.solostart_sec and transcription_info.solotime in the database)....