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bcm4358: new dma functions in wrapper.c and new structs in firmwares/…
had to fiddle with dma_rxfill, because on bcm43438 it returns int, while it returns void on other firmwares. -> split it up. Hope that is ok:
AT(CHIP_VER_BCM4358, FW_VER_ALL, 0x18B6FC) AT(CHIP_VER_BCM4339, FW_VER_ALL, 0x8c6cc) void dma_rxfill(struct hnddma_pub *dmah) VOID_DUMMY
AT(CHIP_VER_BCM43438, FW_VER_7_45_41_26_r640327, 0x5070) int dma_rxfill_bcm43438(struct hnddma_pub *dmah) RETURN_DUMMY
Signed-off-by: Robin Morawetz [email protected]