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Missing MAC on mon0 interface

Open WilliamASumner opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments


Adding a monitor interface works and I can tcpdump on it, but it is missing a MAC, which owl seems to be expecting (the default address is always 00:00:00:00:00:00). Is this the expected behavior from nexmon? I am assuming no because the tutorial I'm following doesn't indicate there's a need to set one outside of creating the interface.

What I'm using

I'm using a Rapsberry Pi Zero W (not W2) with Raspberry Pi OS Lite:

lsb_release -a
Distributor ID:	Raspbian
Description:	Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release:	11
Codename:	bullseye
uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 5.15.32+ #1538 Thu Mar 31 19:37:58 BST 2022 armv6l GNU/Linux

What I've tried

I've tried both the patches/bcm43430a1/7_45_41_26 and patches/bcm43430a1/7_45_41_46 firmware patches (as well as the bcm4355 patches) and they all at least allow for the creation of the mon0 interface:

sudo iw phy `iw dev wlan0 info | gawk '/wiphy/ {printf "phy" $2}'` interface add mon0 type monitor
sudo ifconfig mon0 up
sudo nexutil -k6
ip a
mon0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ieee802.11/radiotap 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

I can even use tcpdump and see a bunch of output:

tcpdump -i mon0
10:35:34.675153 836223206us tsft 2437 MHz -71dBm signal Request-To-Send ...
10:35:34.675304 836223387us tsft 2437 MHz -51dBm signal BA ...
10:35:34.679050 836227061us tsft 2437 MHz -68dBm signal Beacon ...
10:35:34.679959 836227479us tsft 2437 MHz -64dBm signal Beacon ...
10:35:34.680134 836227892us tsft 2437 MHz -64dBm signal Beacon ...

Note: I've disabled wpa_supplicant because I won't be needing it.

The Problem

I'm not expecting anyone to solve this for me, but I am stuck at understanding where my actual issue is either in owl, nexmon or somewhere else - and I also want to double check I'm not doing something dumb before I try to understand how nexmon sets the initial address. I've seen a lot of issues on here that address whether or not a wireless chip supports monitor mode, but I can clearly see that it's working (see console output above).

Despite the monitor mode interface working, I can't use the owl tool. Running with the recommended command results in:

sudo owl -i mon0 -N
10:37:55 ERROR: tun: unable to set HW address
10:37:55 ERROR: Could not open device: awdl0
10:37:55 ERROR: could not initialize core

Seeing the first line I went back to the ifconfig and noticed the 00:00:00:00:00:00 address. Is this expected behavior in nexmon? I ask because I am able to get owl to start by modifying the source to return the same MAC as my wlan0 interface. However the Opendrop tool I really want to run (which needs owl) can't be seen by any peers. Owl seems to expect some address other than 00:00:00:00:00:00... is there something trivial I am missing to get one assigned? Trying to use ip link dev set mon0 address xxx and macchanger both complain about it being an unsupported operation:

sudo ip link set dev mon0 address b7:72:ab:39:ec:51
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported
sudo macchanger -r mon0
[ERROR] Could not change MAC: interface up or insufficient permissions: Operation not supported

WilliamASumner avatar Jul 03 '22 15:07 WilliamASumner

Try this workaround (for kernel 5.15)

  • Replace nexmon/patches/driver/brcmfmac_5.15.y-nexmon/cfg80211.c with this
  • Recompile and reload the driver
  • Do not create a mon0 vif ( iw phy etc etc) but switch wlan0 from managed to monitor
    • sudo ip link set dev wlan0 down
    • sudo iw dev wlan0 set type monitor
    • sudo nexutil -m2
    • sudo ip link set dev wlan0 up
  • Use wlan0 as your monitor interface

DrSchottky avatar Jul 09 '22 13:07 DrSchottky

I committed a change that should fix it. @matthiasseemoo is it possible to merge this?

DrSchottky avatar Jul 09 '22 15:07 DrSchottky

raspi os bullseye, kernel version 5.15.61+, replacing "cfg80211.c", and recompiling the firmware makes wlan0 disappeared. After a reboot, wlan0 appeared, but iw dev wlan0 set type monitor resulted in command failed: Operation not supported (-95)

nendonerd avatar Oct 28 '22 12:10 nendonerd