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nexus 6P nexmon installation pre-compiled or instructions.

Open ghost opened this issue 5 years ago • 30 comments

$50-$100 USD bounty through PayPal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm seriously offering this for anyone who can help me set this device up. I'm honestly over the wasted hours and hours.

I have a Nexus 6P with.... -android 8.0. -magisk. -twrp. -nethunter - full

I can't get 'Hijacker' or 'wifite to run using the internal WiFi chipset. When I try everything just starts crashing/killed. (Same story with nexus 7 with a external adapter)

Whoever has the answer. Reply to this post or email me direct for any questions. [email address removed]

Real money.

ghost avatar Jun 27 '19 20:06 ghost

Get a nice x86_64 Linux system(Like Ubuntu 18.04). Install it on your PC or USB Stick. You can use LiLI for that. Once started run df -h to see if there is enough space, cuz sometimes it's decomposed in 4GB blocks which sucks. It is not enough space for the installation! Open Firefox. Download Android NDK Extract the archive, open the folder(mostly that is Downloads), right-click inside the folder window and open a new terminal there, then cd(cd android-ndk-r11c-linux-x86_64), inside the folder move it to /opt (sudo mv android-ndk-r11c /opt).

Now run this:

export ANDROID_NDK=/opt/android-ndk-r11c
export NDK_ROOT=/opt/android-ndk-r11c

Now, in the terminal window run sudo apt-add-repository universe Then run:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386

and then run: sudo apt-get install git gawk qpdf adb flex bison file make

Now run: cd ~ There clone the repo with: git clone Now cd nexmon and run source then run make. Now, wait. After its finished cd /patches/bcm4358/7_112_300_14_sta/nexmon. Run make again.

Now test the connectivity to ur smartphone, run adb devices if its showing error, select PTP instead of Charging in the USB Settings(just pull down with your finger on the display and change it there).

Now run make install-firmware or backup it first with make backup-firmware You have to permit access of the shell on the phone, there must be a root access popup. Allow it. Now you are done with the firmware part.

Let's go to the tools. Run cd ~/nexmon/utilities , then run make. Now you have to wait for a while.

Then cd to the tool folder for example nexutil: cd nexutil and run make install, note not every tool has the install option, just try them out. When I remember right there were, nexutil, the both proxys, dhdutil, iw, wireless tools, libfakeioctl, libnexmon, netcat.

If you get the following error: Ressource is busy, you have to modify the Makefiles in each folder and remove this line -> adb shell 'su -c "mount -o rw,remount /system"'. So run nano Makefile, go to the line and press ctrl + k. Then to save the file ctrl +x and enter. Now run make install again.

Hope i could help. I still don't get this running myself(have an open issue here :C ) maybe you have more luck than me.

PS: Don't use Hijaker, the 6P is not supported. I mean it says bcm4358 is supported, but it just keeps crashing so.... idk

seyo-IV avatar Jul 08 '19 09:07 seyo-IV

Mate. I love you

ghost avatar Jul 09 '19 16:07 ghost

Also there is an extra image for the Nexus 6p here scroll down to Nexus 6P angler oreo. and it does look like they have nexmon preinstalled. At least there is a monstart monstop script as well as the nexutil installed. Give it a try.

;) With alot of apps preinstalled and working! For examle csploit witch usually crashed every time when i used the image from Hijaker is also preinstalled but it just keeps crashing, tho the Test says all is working fine.

seyo-IV avatar Jul 09 '19 20:07 seyo-IV

mate. that deserves another tip... lol

ghost avatar Jul 11 '19 00:07 ghost

did you guys get this working? I have a 6P running nougat 7.1 and still cant install any nexmon tools and the nexmon app keeps crashing even after I push the "grant root, permissions & check installation" button. When I click on Nexmon tools in the app and select any tool like socat, for example, it gives me errors saying it cant install to system/bin or xbin. I ordered a regular Nexus 6 and might be sending the 6P back because this is annoying. I even installed Nethunter for Nexus nougat off of the offensive sec website. It seems people are having better luck with the Nexus 5's and regular 6's from what I have been reading. Was wondering if you guys had any luck over the last few months.

libertyordeath76 avatar Dec 28 '19 08:12 libertyordeath76

I've got support for Nexus 6P :)

"git clone"


kimocoder avatar Dec 28 '19 10:12 kimocoder

Take a look below :+1: I don't want any money btw. Open source ftw!

kimocoder avatar Dec 28 '19 10:12 kimocoder

Thank you I will try it out. My main goal was to use the internal chip for monitor mode, not an external adapter. But I don't see anyone having luck with that so I might be better off just using my TP link.

libertyordeath76 avatar Dec 28 '19 22:12 libertyordeath76

... I use the internal.. djises.

git clone

Then build and transfer the utilities..

" airodump-ng wlan0"

How hard can it be? My Makefile support arm64 (v8a), the Nexmon repo does not. Simple. God read some README's

kimocoder avatar Dec 29 '19 00:12 kimocoder



Using external adapter with Hijacker Screenshot_20200106-015610

kimocoder avatar Jan 08 '20 01:01 kimocoder

wifite2 on external adapter IMG_20200108_024245

reaver on internal adapter (Nexmon) IMG_20200108_024324

mdk3 om internal adapter IMG_20200108_024329

kimocoder avatar Jan 08 '20 01:01 kimocoder

Anyone else who needs this I'd appreciate a few bucks but if you're tight on cash it's no biggie (^.^)

On Thu, Jun 27, 2019, 4:50 PM felbutss [email protected] wrote:

$50-$100 USD bounty through PayPal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm seriously offering this for anyone who can help me set this device up. I'm honestly over the wasted hours and hours.

I have a Nexus 6P with.... -android 8.0. -magisk. -twrp. -nethunter - full

I can't get 'Hijacker' or 'wifite to run using the internal WiFi chipset. When I try everything just starts crashing/killed. (Same story with nexus 7 with a external adapter)

Whoever has the answer. Reply to this post or email me direct for any questions. [email protected]

Real money.

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archer322 avatar Jan 08 '20 02:01 archer322

Simply got to much on my hands atm

kimocoder avatar Jan 08 '20 02:01 kimocoder

Notice me in a week or two, I'll give you step by step

kimocoder avatar Jan 08 '20 02:01 kimocoder

Thanks Kimo, we all appreciate your hard work and help.

Archer, what exactly did you post there?

libertyordeath76 avatar Jan 08 '20 03:01 libertyordeath76

All of this stuff works on my Nexus 5 without problems but my 6P has been giving me nothing but problems lol.

libertyordeath76 avatar Jan 08 '20 03:01 libertyordeath76

This is probably completely stupid and pointless information but the Anker allows you to run both a 2.4ghz and 5ghz adapters on the same cable and its recognized by the Nexus 6p. I run airodump in 2 different terminals one for each adapter at the same time and its been extremely stable. No idea what motivated me to try this 😂. Panda Pau07 and 09 both work great and so does the Tplink.


76D90B93-A027-4780-A784-E2048DB15E2C 46743F03-17A8-4852-B8BB-DEF534003D09 C17398CE-1879-46C9-A0A5-5DEC5D48EE24

libertyordeath76 avatar Jan 20 '20 07:01 libertyordeath76

Kimo, I am still having trouble building nexmon. If you have time please help me with a step by step.

libertyordeath76 avatar Jan 20 '20 07:01 libertyordeath76

@libertyordeath76 which Anker is this? Tell me and I'll help you

kimocoder avatar Jan 20 '20 08:01 kimocoder



libertyordeath76 avatar Jan 20 '20 08:01 libertyordeath76

I would like to try the 7-in-One model next and possibly add a 3rd adapter. My battery isnt taking as much of a hit as I thought it would from running both.

libertyordeath76 avatar Jan 20 '20 08:01 libertyordeath76

Download the old NDK version 11c from

Then, set NDK_ROOT to the NDK directory... Do "git clone" and "cd nexmon" and do "./"

cd "utilities" and do "make && make install" (libwireshark has a issue atm, but I will fix it. It's not dependant)

kimocoder avatar Jan 20 '20 10:01 kimocoder

I have built nexmon and put them in my repo:

For complete guide working for me: On android 8.1:

Install nexmon and let it install all binaries to /system/xbin. Then replace the firmware to latest one. It's also in the repo if you need it. Then copy the libnexmon files both 32 bit and 64 bit and put it in /system/lib and lib64 Then use just . It will work. Hijacker is also working .

Hope it helps!!

dragarok avatar Jan 21 '20 12:01 dragarok

hi thanks for the libraries @dragarok does th wifi injection work ? as i'm getting __nex_driver_io: error also the iwconfig shows the wlan0 as managed and not monitored. what am i doing wrong?

haroonalhadisk avatar Jan 21 '20 17:01 haroonalhadisk

@haroonalhadisk You need to turn on wifi manually. Else it will prompt driver errror. Yes injection works though it says managed for wlan0. Hijacker app is having problem in saving handshake. You can test injection and airodump working in Hijacker from my repo if you follow my instructions.

dragarok avatar Jan 22 '20 12:01 dragarok

@dragarok hi I tried again by ifconfig wlan0 down and then setting to monitor mode using iwconfig. It runs but injection seems to not work . Can you please tell me how to turn on WiFi manually.

haroonalhadisk avatar Jan 26 '20 15:01 haroonalhadisk

Stop using ifconfig and iwconfig, they are deprecated. Use 'ip' and 'iw' instead.. wonder how? look at my at

kimocoder avatar Jan 26 '20 15:01 kimocoder

@dragarok Can you please explain further. I downloaded your compiled nexmon and I see 3 different folders in lib with the file (arm64-v8a, armeabi and armeabi-v7a).

"Then copy the libnexmon files both 32 bit and 64 bit and put it in /system/lib and lib64"

So I put the from arm64-v8a in the /system/lib64 folder and now I have 2 left. Which one do I have to put in /system/lib? I also replaced the firmware but I just cant get internal wifi to work.

For example if I start wifite I get this Error "ERROR adding monitor mode interface: command failed: Operation not supported (-95) " and Driver shows ??????

Thanks in advance

vanphilip70 avatar Jan 31 '20 13:01 vanphilip70

So I am editing my comment and I am letting you guys know that I was able to make it work easy peasy. Works fine in 8.1.0. I was not broadcasting to my WiFi (not connected) and therefore I was not able to deauth. I am able to switch channels via iw(even though it says its not possible on transport endpoint) and airodump If someone needs help I will help ya set it up.

Take care.

Keskebeu avatar Sep 06 '20 01:09 Keskebeu

Hi Ian need to enable monitor mode on Nexus 6p any one can help

hh55g avatar Jul 27 '21 12:07 hh55g