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BTLEmap's Bluetooth Low Energy framework that powers the app


BLETools is a Swift based framework that is used for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) analysis on iOS (iPadOS), macOS and watchOS. BLETools is the main framework used in our app BTLEmap.

The framework uses Combine for the data flow and automatically updating interfaces with SwiftUI. Therefore, it needs at least iOS 13 or macOS 10.15 Catalina.


BLETools uses the Swift Package Manager to be installed. To import it by using Xcode: Click at your project -> Swift Packages -> + Button -> Enter the GitHub URL.

To import it by using a Swift Package file:

.package(url: "",     .upToNextMajor(from: "0.9"))


The main class is the BLEScanner, which can be connected to different BLEReceivers. By default it uses CoreBluetooth to discover BLE Devices and BLE advertisements.

The source code below shows how to setup BLEScanner and receive real-time updates for BLE devices. The BLEScanner scans until scanning is set to false again. The scanner updates it devices, deviceList and advertisements from the received BLE advertisements.

let scanner = BLEScanner(
    devicesCanTimeout: true,
    timeoutInterval: 360,
    filterDuplicates: false,
    receiverType: .coreBluetooth,
    autoconnect: true)
scanner.scanning = true 

For real-time updates the object can be observed with @ObservedObject in SwiftUI or one can subscribe to the subjects: newAdvertisementSubject and newDeviceSubject.

Integrating with SwiftUI

struct DeviceList: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var scanner: BLEScanner
    var body: some View {
        List(self.scanner.deviceList) { device in


The BLEAdvertisement class represents a received BLE advertising packet. The contains a object-oriented decoded BLE packet. All variables and methods are documented.


The BLEDevice class represents a BLE peripheral that send advertisements. In CoreBluetooth those are normally CBPeripherals

Raspberry PI support