seek copied to clipboard
Paste from Clipboard doesn't work in Safari
Describe the bug The feature "Paste from Clipboard" in SP dynamic table doesn't work in Safari. Clicking the button doesn't give any response.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to SP dynamic table
- Copy tabular data from excel
- Click on "Paste from Clipboard"
- See error
Expected behavior Paste text into dynamic table
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: iOS
- Browser safari. It works on Chrome.
- Version
As the console errors imply, you haven't allowed the action (paste from clipboard) to be done in the browser. You can mark the action as allowed in the website permissions
Find out what could block this feature in Safari and link info for solving the problem for the user.
It works now in Safari 16.6 in MacOS Ventura Version 13.5.1
It should work in Safari version 13.1 or higher.